mitre / inspec_tools

A command-line and ruby API of utilities, converters and tools for creating, converting and processing security baseline formats, results and data
91 stars 30 forks source link

[BUG] inspec_tools > 1.7.1 getting unknown encoding name - UTF-8 (RuntimeError) #110

Closed rx294 closed 4 years ago

rx294 commented 4 years ago
Successfully installed inspec_tools-1.8.2
1 gem installed
/share # inspec_tools
Traceback (most recent call last):
/usr/local/bin/ruby: unknown encoding name -  UTF-8 (RuntimeError)
/share # gem install inspec_tools -v 1.7.1
Fetching inspec_tools-1.7.1.gem
Successfully installed inspec_tools-1.7.1
1 gem installed
/share # inspec_tools
Traceback (most recent call last):
/usr/local/bin/ruby: unknown encoding name -  UTF-8 (RuntimeError)
/share # ruby -v
ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [x86_64-linux-musl]

Test env chef/inspec:4.7.23

Works with inspec_tools -v 1.4.2

/share # gem install inspec_tools -v 1.4.2
Fetching inspec_tools-1.4.2.gem
Successfully installed inspec_tools-1.4.2
1 gem installed
/share # inspec_tools
  inspec_tools compliance -j, --inspec-json=INSPEC_JSON                                                    # compliance parses an inspec results json to check if the compliance level meets a specified threshold
  inspec_tools csv2inspec -c, --csv=CSV -m, --mapping=MAPPING                                              # csv2inspec translates CSV to Inspec controls using a mapping file
  inspec_tools generate_ckl_metadata                                                                       # Generate metadata file that can be passed to inspec2ckl
  inspec_tools generate_inspec_metadata                                                                    # Generate mapping file that can be passed to xccdf2inspec
  inspec_tools generate_map                                                                                # Generates mapping template from CSV to Inspec Controls
  inspec_tools help [COMMAND]                                                                              # Describe available commands or one specific command
  inspec_tools inspec2ckl -j, --inspec-json=INSPEC_JSON -o, --output=OUTPUT                                # inspec2ckl translates an inspec json file to a Checklist file
  inspec_tools inspec2csv -j, --inspec-json=INSPEC_JSON -o, --output=OUTPUT                                # inspec2csv translates Inspec controls to CSV
  inspec_tools inspec2xccdf -a, --attributes=ATTRIBUTES -j, --inspec-json=INSPEC_JSON -o, --output=OUTPUT  # inspec2xccdf translates an inspec profile and attributes files to an xccdf file
  inspec_tools pdf2inspec -p, --pdf=PDF                                                                    # pdf2inspec translates a PDF Security Control Speficication to Inspec Security Profile
  inspec_tools summary -j, --inspec-json=INSPEC_JSON                                                       # summary parses an inspec results json to create a summary json
  inspec_tools version                                                                                     # prints version
  inspec_tools xccdf2inspec -x, --xccdf=XCCDF                                                              # xccdf2inspec translates an xccdf file to an inspec profile
Bialogs commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed in 1.8.3