mitre / microsoft-windows-server-2019-stig-baseline

Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STIG InSpec Profile
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Format controls to match cookstyle #95

Open em-c-rod opened 1 year ago

em-c-rod commented 1 year ago

Verify that the controls are in the cookstyle format with one modification from the default cookstyle formatting below*

  1. Install the cookstyle gem on your development environment a. To install the gem use: gem install cookstyle b. To verify that the gem is install use: gem list cookstyle
  2. Run "cookstyle -a ./controls" to modify the expected controls to be in the cookstyle format
  3. Test via the kitchen tests to confirm that results are the same as before the syntax updates

*Use the settings below in a .rubocop.yml file or find a way to change this default setting in the command line when running cookstyle Style/WordArray: Description: 'Use %w or %W for an array of words. (' Enabled : false