mitreid-connect / OpenID-Connect-Java-Spring-Server

An OpenID Connect reference implementation in Java on the Spring platform.
1.47k stars 767 forks source link is 404 #1557

Open qulong0908 opened 2 years ago

qulong0908 commented 2 years ago

how to get it

srmoore commented 2 years ago

Looks like the home page references the old path for github pages. You can find that information here:

qulong0908 commented 2 years ago

看起来主页引用了 github 页面的旧路径。您可以在此处找到该信息:https : //

Thank you for your reply, https : // is empty. By the way, I traded the accessToken for userInfo, why was it intercepted and let me log in. image

srmoore commented 2 years ago

I can only guess that your token had expired when you made the request to /userinfo. Also the user needs to have ROLE_USER and the the 'openid' scope.

You should check the server logs to find out what happened. (A screen shot doesn't really provide enough information to troubleshoot the problem. )

qulong0908 commented 2 years ago

我只能猜测当您向 /userinfo 发出请求时,您的令牌已过期。此外,用户需要具有 ROLE_USER 和“openid”范围。


我可以监听当您向 /userinfo 发出请求时,您的令牌已过期。此外,用户需要具有 ROLE_USER 和“openid”范围。


image The service has only two logs: Successful Authentication of user at Sat Jul 31 11:39:33 CST 2021 [clearExpiredAuthenticationHolders] Paged operation run: completed 1; swallowed 0 exceptions

srmoore commented 2 years ago

From the information you provided, I cannot say what is going on. If your authorization token is correct and not expired, then doing a GET to the userinfo endpoint with the Authorization: Bearer <token> should return a JSON version of the user information.

A few things you can do, watch what your browser is doing via the developer view and see the redirect happen. Put some logging into your application to see if it's making the call correctly, and that you are getting the JSON back, or try using a command line (like wget to perform the userinfo get with the authorization header and token specified, to see if it's your application or if it's mitreid that is doing something unexpected.

Sorry I can't be of more help.