When I used the sctk to calculated the critical temperature via _calculation = "scdfttc", the calculated results show that the Tc is 84 K (closed to the case of QE results), but the calculated gap (delta) is 0.48073E-08 meV. Why is there such a small gap? In addition, the lambda calculated by sctk is 0.30983E+01, bigger than the QE calculated one (2.09).
I am curious why sctk gives such a small gap and such a large gap. So would you kindly give me some suggestion to revised it?
Looking forward to your reply. Ang comments and suggestions are welcomed.
Is it caused by insufficient k-point density during nscf calculation? The k-mesh I used is 242424, increasing it may induce memory related error for kel calculation under current computing resources.
Dear Dr. Kawamura,
When I used the sctk to calculated the critical temperature via _calculation = "scdfttc", the calculated results show that the Tc is 84 K (closed to the case of QE results), but the calculated gap (delta) is 0.48073E-08 meV. Why is there such a small gap? In addition, the lambda calculated by sctk is 0.30983E+01, bigger than the QE calculated one (2.09).
I am curious why sctk gives such a small gap and such a large gap. So would you kindly give me some suggestion to revised it?
Looking forward to your reply. Ang comments and suggestions are welcomed.
Thanks and Regards, Jianguo Si