mitsuba-renderer / mitsuba2

Mitsuba 2: A Retargetable Forward and Inverse Renderer
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[🐛 bug report] Gradient value is empty with `free_graph=False` #485

Open pjessesco opened 2 years ago

pjessesco commented 2 years ago


Hi, I'm trying to do a differentiable rendering without free_graph option. It looks like if the option is enabled, the visited node is erased after used to calculate gradient while traversing the graph.

My goal is to specify nodes' gradient in their label in graph (using ek.graphviz), so I don't want to let my graph be reduced while backpropagation.

However I couldn't optimize parameter with free_graph=False... thanks for your reply.

System configuration

master b92ddc234d1cb3510cba4db1601cd7f03e65a138 Ubuntu CUDA 11.2

Steps to reproduce

In example, fix as below

ek.backward(ob_val, free_graph=False)
print('Iteration %03i: error=%g' % (it, err_ref[0]), ek.gradient(params['']))
Speierers commented 2 years ago

Hi @pjessesco ,

What's do you mean by "can't optimize"? Are the resulting gradients wrong?

pjessesco commented 2 years ago

Hi @Speierers , sorry for ambiguous wording.

free_graph = True image

free_graph = False image

I printed as

print('Iteration %03i: error=%g' % (it, err_ref[0]), ek.gradient(params['']))

, gradient value is empty if the option is false.

Speierers commented 2 years ago

That is likely a bug in the enoki AD backend. Unfortunately we are working hard on the upcoming release of the library I won't probably have the time to look into this in the near future.

In any case, could you send me the whole python snippet to reproduce this, I could take a brief look to see if there is anything obvious.

pjessesco commented 2 years ago

Here is the script, it's almost the same with a bunny example except for the option. # Advanced inverse rendering example: render a bunny reference image, # then replace one of the scene parameters and try to recover it using # differentiable rendering and gradient-based optimization. import enoki as ek import mitsuba mitsuba.set_variant('gpu_autodiff_rgb') from mitsuba.core import Float, Thread from mitsuba.core.xml import load_file from mitsuba.python.util import traverse from mitsuba.python.autodiff import render, write_bitmap, Adam import time # Load example scene Thread.thread().file_resolver().append('bunny') scene = load_file('bunny/bunny.xml') # Find differentiable scene parameters params = traverse(scene) # Make a backup copy param_res = params['my_envmap.resolution'] param_ref = Float(params['']) # Discard all parameters except for one we want to differentiate params.keep(['']) # Render a reference image (no derivatives used yet) image_ref = render(scene, spp=16) crop_size = scene.sensors()[0].film().crop_size() write_bitmap('out_ref.png', image_ref, crop_size) # Change to a uniform white lighting environment params[''] = ek.full(Float, 1.0, len(param_ref)) params.update() # Construct an Adam optimizer that will adjust the parameters 'params' opt = Adam(params, lr=.02) time_a = time.time() iterations = 100 for it in range(iterations): # Perform a differentiable rendering of the scene image = render(scene, optimizer=opt, unbiased=True, spp=1) write_bitmap('out_%03i.png' % it, image, crop_size) write_bitmap('envmap_%03i.png' % it, params[''], (param_res[0], param_res[1])) # Objective: MSE between 'image' and 'image_ref' ob_val = ek.hsum(ek.sqr(image - image_ref)) / len(image) # Back-propagate errors to input parameters # ek.backward(ob_val) ek.backward(ob_val, free_graph=False) # Optimizer: take a gradient step opt.step() # Compare iterate against ground-truth value err_ref = ek.hsum(ek.sqr(param_ref - params[''])) print('Iteration %03i: error=%g' % (it, err_ref[0]), ek.gradient(params[''])) time_b = time.time() print() print('%f ms per iteration' % (((time_b - time_a) * 1000) / iterations))
Speierers commented 2 years ago

This looks reasonable. It is likely a bug in the enoki AD backend then.