mitsuba-renderer / mitsuba3

Mitsuba 3: A Retargetable Forward and Inverse Renderer
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Runtime Error with a custom plugin #1228

Closed LuigiNixy closed 4 months ago

LuigiNixy commented 4 months ago


I'm trying to use a custom integrator plugin. It does not report an error when scalar variants are used. But when llvm or cuda variants are used, it would reportRuntimeError: Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (#define PYBIND11_DETAILED_ERROR_MESSAGES or compile in debug mode for details)

System configuration

System information:

OS: Linux Mint 21.3 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz GPU: Quadro P5000 Python: 3.8.19 (default, Mar 20 2024, 19:58:24) [GCC 11.2.0] NVidia driver: 535.161.07 LLVM: 13.0.1

Dr.Jit: 0.4.4 Mitsuba: 3.5.0 Is custom build? True Compiled with: Clang 13.0.1 Variants: scalar_mono llvm_mono llvm_ad_mono cuda_mono cuda_ad_mono scalar_rgb llvm_rgb llvm_ad_rgb cuda_rgb cuda_ad_rgb llvm_ad_mono_polarized scalar_mono_polarized llvm_ad_rgb_polarized scalar_rgb_polarized


The plugin is from and some modifications have been made. The code below shows the plugin:

from __future__ import annotations  # Delayed parsing of type annotations

import drjit as dr
import mitsuba as mi
from mitransient.integrators.common import TransientADIntegrator, mis_weight

from mitsuba import Log, LogLevel
from mitsuba.math import ShadowEpsilon  # type: ignore
from typing import Tuple, Optional, List

class TransientNLOSPath(TransientADIntegrator):
        `transient_nlos_path` plugin

        Standard path tracing algorithm which now includes the time dimension,
        and *contains multiple sampling routines specific to
        non-line-of-sight (NLOS) scenes*.
        To render LOS scenes, use the `transient_path` integrator.
        Choose one or the other depending on if you have a LOS or NLOS scene.

        The `transient_nlos_path` plugin accepts the following parameters:
        * `filter_bounces` (integer):
            Only account for paths of specific number of bounces in the result.
            A value of 1 will only render single-bounce (direct-only) illumination
            3 will lead to three-bounce (single-corner) illumination in NLOS setups
            And so on.
            A value of -1 disables this feature
            (default: -1 i.e. disabled)
        * `discard_direct_paths` (boolean):
            If True, paths with only 1 bounce (direct illuminations) are discarded.
            If False, this parameter does not have any effect.
            (default: false)
        * `nlos_laser_sampling` (boolean):
            If False, lights are sampled using Next-Event Estimation.
            If True, lights are sampled using the Laser Sampling technique.
            See [Royo2022] for more information about Laser Sampling.
            (default: false)
        * `nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling` (boolean):
            If False, ray directions are sampled using material properties.
            If True, ray directions are sampled using the Hidden Geometry Sampling technique.
            See [Royo2022] for more information about Hidden Geometry Sampling
            (default: false)
        * `nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling_do_rroulette` (boolean):
            Only relevant when `nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling` is True.
            If False, always uses the Hidden Geometry Sampling technique
            to sample new directions.
            If True, uses Russian Roulette to choose between
                50% Hidden Geometry Sampling
                50% Material Sampling
            See [Royo2022] for more information about Hidden Geometry Sampling
            (default: false)
        * `nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling_includes_relay_wall` (boolean):
            Only relevant when `nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling` is True.
            If False, points in the relay wall cannot be sampled using the
            Hidden Geometry Sampling technique.
            If True, points in the relay wall can be sampled.
            See [Royo2022] for more information about Hidden Geometry Sampling
            (default: false)
        * `temporal_filter` (string): Deprecated.
            Can be either:
            - 'box' for a box filter (no parameters)
            - 'gaussian' for a Gaussian filter (see gaussian_stddev below)
            - Empty string to use the same filter in the temporal domain as
              the rfilter used in the spatial domain.
            (default: empty string)

        [Royo2022] Royo, D., García, J., Muñoz, A., & Jarabo, A. (2022).
        Non-line-of-sight transient rendering. Computers & Graphics, 107, 84-92.

        See also, from mi.ADIntegrator:
        * `block_size` (integer):
            Size of (square) image blocks to render in parallel (in scalar mode).
            Should be a power of two.
            (default: 0 i.e. let Mitsuba decide for you)
        * `max_depth` (integer):
            Specifies the longest path depth in the generated output image (where -1
            corresponds to infinity). A value of 1 will only render directly
            visible light sources. 2 will lead to single-bounce (direct-only)
            illumination, and so on.
            (default: 6)
        * `rr_depth` (integer):
            Specifies the path depth, at which the implementation will begin to use
            the *russian roulette* path termination criterion. For example, if set to
            1, then path generation many randomly cease after encountering directly
            visible surfaces.
            (default: 5)

    def __init__(self, props: mi.Properties):

        self.filter_depth: int = props.get('filter_depth', -1)
        self.filter_bounces: int = props.get('filter_bounces', -1)
        if self.filter_depth != -1 and self.filter_bounces != -1:
            raise AssertionError(
                'Only use one of filter_depth or filter_bounces')
        if self.filter_bounces != -1:
            self.filter_depth = self.filter_bounces + 1

        if self.filter_depth != -1 and self.max_depth != -1:
            if self.filter_depth >= self.max_depth:
                    'You have set filter_depth >= max_depth. '
                    'This will cause the final image to be all zero.')
        self.discard_direct_paths: bool = props.get(
            'discard_direct_paths', False)
        self.laser_sampling: bool = props.get(
            'nlos_laser_sampling', False)
        self.hg_sampling: bool = props.get(
            'nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling', False)
        self.hg_sampling_do_rroulette = (
            props.get('nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling_do_rroulette', False)
        self.hg_sampling_includes_relay_wall: bool = (
            props.get('nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling_includes_relay_wall', False)

    def prepare_transient(self, scene: mi.Scene, sensor: mi.Sensor):
        super().prepare_transient(scene, sensor)

        # prepare laser sampling

        if isinstance(sensor, int):
            sensor = scene.sensors()[sensor]

        scene_emitters = scene.emitters()
        if len(scene_emitters) > 1:
                f'You have defined multiple ({len(scene_emitters)}) emitters in the scene with a NLOS capture meter. You should have only 1.')

        if self.hg_sampling:
            # NOTE (Miguel) : Improved hidden geometry sampling via vectorization.
            # There is a bug that does not allow this currently. Uncomment it after nanobind upgrade
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            # valid_object = dr.neq(scene.shapes_dr(), mi.ShapePtr(sensor.shape())) | self.hg_sampling_includes_relay_wall

            # # surface_areas = scene.shapes_dr().surface_area()
            # surface_areas = scene.shapes_dr().surface_area()
            # pdf_hidden_area = dr.gather(mi.Float,
            #                             surface_areas,
            #                             dr.arange(mi.UInt, dr.width(scene.shapes_dr())),
            #                             valid_object)

            # self.hidden_geometries_distribution = mi.DiscreteDistribution(pdf_hidden_area)
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            surface_areas = []
            for shape in scene.shapes():
                    0.0 if (shape == sensor.shape(
                    ) and not self.hg_sampling_includes_relay_wall) else shape.surface_area()

            if len(surface_areas) == 0:
                raise AssertionError('Hidden geometry sampling is activated, '
                                     'but there are no hidden geometries in the scene!')
            if sum(surface_areas) < dr.epsilon(mi.Float):
                raise AssertionError('Hidden geometry sampling is activated, '
                                     'but the hidden geometry in the scene has zero surface area?')

            self.hidden_geometries_distribution = mi.DiscreteDistribution(

        # prepare laser sampling by precomputing the laser focusing point in the geometry
        if self.laser_sampling:
            # This integrator expects only one emitter per scene
            trafo: mi.Transform4f = scene.emitters()[0].world_transform()
            laser_origin: mi.Point3f = trafo.translation()
            laser_dir: mi.Vector3f = trafo.transform_affine(
                mi.Vector3f(0, 0, 1))

            laser_ray = mi.Ray3f(laser_origin, laser_dir,
                                 dr.largest(mi.Float), 0.0, [])
            si = scene.ray_intersect(laser_ray)

            assert dr.all(
                si.is_valid()), 'The emitter is not pointing at the scene!'
            self.nlos_laser_target: mi.Point3f = si.p

    def _sample_hidden_geometry_position(
            self, ref: mi.Interaction3f, scene: mi.Scene,
            sample2: mi.Point2f, active: mi.Mask) -> mi.PositionSample3f:
        For non-line of sight scenes, sample a point in the hidden
        geometry's surface area. The "hidden geometry" is defined
        as any object that does not contain an \ref nloscapturemeter
        plugin (i.e. every object but the relay wall)

            A reference point somewhere within the scene

            A uniformly distributed 2D vector

            A boolean mask

        Position sampling record

        # if len(self.hidden_geometries) == 0:
        #     return dr.zeros(mi.PositionSample3f)

        # if len(self.hidden_geometries) == 1:
        #     return self.hidden_geometries[0].sample_position(
        #         ref.time, sample2, active)

        index, new_sample, shape_pdf = \
                sample2.x, active)
        sample2.x = new_sample

        shape: mi.ShapePtr = dr.gather(
            mi.ShapePtr, scene.shapes_dr(), index, active)
        ps = shape.sample_position(ref.time, sample2, active)
        ps.pdf *= shape_pdf

        return ps

    def emitter_nee_sample(
            self, mode: dr.ADMode, scene: mi.Scene, sampler: mi.Sampler,
            si: mi.SurfaceInteraction3f, bsdf: mi.BSDF, bsdf_ctx: mi.BSDFContext,
            β: mi.Spectrum, distance: mi.Float, η: mi.Float, depth: mi.UInt,
            active_e: mi.Mask, add_transient) -> mi.Spectrum:
        ds, emitter_spec = scene.sample_emitter_direction(
            ref=si, sample=sampler.next_2d(active_e), test_visibility=True, active=active_e)
        active_e &= dr.neq(ds.pdf, 0.0)

        primal = mode == dr.ADMode.Primal
        with dr.resume_grad(when=not primal):
            if not primal:
                # Given the detached emitter sample, *recompute* its
                # contribution with AD to enable light source optimization
                ds.d = dr.normalize(ds.p - si.p)
                emitter_val = scene.eval_emitter_direction(si, ds, active_e)
                emitter_spec =
                    dr.neq(ds.pdf, 0), emitter_val / ds.pdf, 0)

            # Query the BSDF for that emitter-sampled direction
            wo = si.to_local(ds.d)
            bsdf_spec, bsdf_pdf = bsdf.eval_pdf(
                ctx=bsdf_ctx, si=si, wo=wo, active=active_e)

            Lr_dir = mi.Spectrum(0)
            if self.filter_depth != -1:
                active_e &= dr.eq(depth, self.filter_depth)
            if self.discard_direct_paths:
                active_e &= depth > 2
            Lr_dir[active_e] = β * bsdf_spec * emitter_spec

            add_transient(Lr_dir, distance + ds.dist * η,
                          si.wavelengths, active_e)

        return Lr_dir

    def emitter_laser_sample(
            self, mode: dr.ADMode, scene: mi.Scene, sampler: mi.Sampler,
            si: mi.SurfaceInteraction3f, bsdf: mi.BSDF, bsdf_ctx: mi.BSDFContext,
            β: mi.Spectrum, distance: mi.Float, η: mi.Float, depth: mi.UInt,
            active_e: mi.Mask, add_transient) -> mi.Spectrum:
        NLOS scenes only have one laser emitter - standard
        emitter sampling techniques do not apply as most
        directions do not emit any radiance, it needs to be very
        lucky to bsdf sample the exact point that the laser is

        this modifies the emitter sampling so instead of directly
        sampling the laser we sample(1) the point that the laser
        is illuminating and then(2) the laser
        # TODO probably needs some "with dr.resume_grad(when=not primal):"
        primal = mode == dr.ADMode.Primal

        # 1. Obtain direction to NLOS illuminated point
        #    and test visibility with ray_test
        d = self.nlos_laser_target - si.p
        distance_laser = dr.norm(d)
        d /= distance_laser
        ray_bsdf = si.spawn_ray_to(self.nlos_laser_target)
        active_e &= ~scene.ray_test(ray_bsdf, active_e)

        # 2. Evaluate BSDF to desired direction
        wo = si.to_local(d)
        bsdf_spec = bsdf.eval(ctx=bsdf_ctx, si=si, wo=wo, active=active_e)
        bsdf_spec = si.to_world_mueller(bsdf_spec, -wo, si.wi)

        ray_bsdf.maxt = dr.inf
        si_bsdf: mi.SurfaceInteraction3f = scene.ray_intersect(
            ray_bsdf, active_e)
        active_e &= si_bsdf.is_valid()
        active_e &= dr.any(mi.depolarizer(bsdf_spec) > dr.epsilon(mi.Float))

        wl = si_bsdf.to_local(-d)
        active_e &= mi.Frame3f.cos_theta(wl) > 0.0
        pdf_ls = mi.Float(1.0)  # always hit the same point :)
        # NOTE(diego): convert from area probability to solid angle probability
        #              (similar to sampling an area light)
        #              divide by pdf
        pdf_ls *= dr.sqr(distance_laser) / mi.Frame3f.cos_theta(wl)
        bsdf_spec /= pdf_ls

        bsdf_next = si_bsdf.bsdf(ray=ray_bsdf)

        # 3. Combine laser + emitter sampling
        return self.emitter_nee_sample(
            mode=mode, scene=scene, sampler=sampler, si=si_bsdf,
            bsdf=bsdf_next, bsdf_ctx=bsdf_ctx, β=β * bsdf_spec, distance=distance + distance_laser * η, η=η,
            depth=depth+1, active_e=active_e, add_transient=add_transient)

    def hidden_geometry_sample(
            self, scene: mi.Scene, sampler: mi.Sampler, bsdf: mi.BSDF, bsdf_ctx: mi.BSDFContext, si: mi.SurfaceInteraction3f,
            _: mi.Float, sample2: mi.Point2f, active: mi.Mask) -> Tuple[mi.BSDFSample3f, mi.Spectrum]:

        if not self.hg_sampling:
            return dr.zeros(mi.BSDFSample3f), 0.0

        # repeat HG sampling until we find a visible position (or reach max positions)
        ps_hg: mi.PositionSample3f = dr.zeros(mi.PositionSample3f)
        pdf_hg: mi.Float = mi.Float(0)
        cos_theta_i = mi.Float(0)
        cos_theta_g = mi.Float(0)
        d = mi.Vector3f(0)

        self.hgs_do_rejection = False
        retry_rs = mi.Mask(active)
        iters_rs = mi.UInt32(0)
        max_rs_iterations = 5 if self.hgs_do_rejection else 1
        loop_rs = mi.Loop(name='Hidden geometry rejection sampling',
                          state=lambda: (retry_rs, sample2, sampler, ps_hg, pdf_hg, si, d, cos_theta_i, cos_theta_g, iters_rs))
        while loop_rs(retry_rs):
            iters_rs[retry_rs] += 1
            sample2 = mi.Point2f(
      , sampler.next_2d(retry_rs), sample2))
            ps_hg =
                    ref=si, scene=scene, sample2=sample2, active=retry_rs),
            successful_retries = retry_rs & dr.neq(ps_hg.pdf, 0.0)
            # check visibility
            d = mi.Vector3f(ps_hg.p - si.p)
            dist = dr.norm(d)
            d /= dist
            cos_theta_i =, d)
            cos_theta_g =, -d)
            pdf_hg =
                pdf_hg + ps_hg.pdf * dr.sqr(dist) / dr.abs(cos_theta_g),
            successful_retries &= (cos_theta_i > dr.epsilon(mi.Float)) & \
                (cos_theta_g > dr.epsilon(mi.Float))
            retry_rs &= ~successful_retries
            retry_rs &= iters_rs < max_rs_iterations
        active &= (cos_theta_i > dr.epsilon(mi.Float)) & \
            (cos_theta_g > dr.epsilon(mi.Float))

        wo = si.to_local(d)
        bsdf_spec = bsdf.eval(ctx=bsdf_ctx, si=si, wo=wo, active=active)
        bsdf_spec = si.to_world_mueller(bsdf_spec, -wo, si.wi)

        bs: mi.BSDFSample3f = dr.zeros(mi.BSDFSample3f)
        bs.wo = wo
        bs.pdf = pdf_hg
        bs.eta = 1.0
        bs.sampled_type = mi.BSDFFlags.Reflection
        bs.sampled_component = 0
        active &= bs.pdf > dr.epsilon(mi.Float)

        bsdf_spec /= bs.pdf

        return bs,, bsdf_spec, 0.0)

    def sample(self,
               mode: dr.ADMode,
               scene: mi.Scene,
               sampler: mi.Sampler,
               ray: mi.Ray3f,
               δL: Optional[mi.Spectrum],
               state_in: Optional[mi.Spectrum],
               active: mi.Bool,
               max_distance: mi.Float,
               **kwargs  # Absorbs unused arguments
               ) -> Tuple[mi.Spectrum,
        See ``TransientADIntegrator.sample()`` for a description of this interface and
        the role of the various parameters and return values.

        # Rendering a primal image? (vs performing forward/reverse-mode AD)
        primal = mode == dr.ADMode.Primal
        # Standard BSDF evaluation context for path tracing
        bsdf_ctx = mi.BSDFContext()

        # --------------------- Configure loop state ----------------------

        # Copy input arguments to avoid mutating the caller's state
        ray = mi.Ray3f(dr.detach(ray))
        depth = mi.UInt32(0)                          # Depth of current vertex
        L = mi.Spectrum(0 if primal else state_in)    # Radiance accumulator
        # Differential/adjoint radiance
        δL = mi.Spectrum(δL if δL is not None else 0)
        β = mi.Spectrum(1)                            # Path throughput weight
        η = mi.Float(1)                               # Index of refraction
        active = mi.Bool(active)                      # Active SIMD lanes
        # NOTE(diego): nloscapturemeter sets ray.time in optical path length (distance)
        distance = mi.Float(ray.time)                 # Distance of the path

        # Variables caching information from the previous bounce
        prev_si = dr.zeros(mi.SurfaceInteraction3f)
        prev_bsdf_pdf = mi.Float(1.0)
        prev_bsdf_delta = mi.Bool(True)

        if self.camera_unwarp:
            raise AssertionError('Use account_first_and_last_bounces instead')

        # Record the following loop in its entirety
        loop = mi.Loop(name="Path Replay Backpropagation (%s)" %,
                       state=lambda: (sampler, ray, depth, L, δL, β, η, active,
                                      prev_si, prev_bsdf_pdf, prev_bsdf_delta,

        # Specify the max. number of loop iterations (this can help avoid
        # costly synchronization when when wavefront-style loops are generated)

        if self.laser_sampling:
            emitter_sample_f = self.emitter_laser_sample
            emitter_sample_f = self.emitter_nee_sample

        while loop(active):
            # Compute a surface interaction that tracks derivatives arising
            # from differentiable shape parameters (position, normals, etc.)
            # In primal mode, this is just an ordinary ray tracing operation.

            with dr.resume_grad(when=not primal):
                si = scene.ray_intersect(ray,
                                         coherent=dr.eq(depth, 0))

            # Update distance
            distance +=, si.t, 0.0) * η
            active &= distance < max_distance

            # Get the BSDF, potentially computes texture-space differentials
            bsdf = si.bsdf(ray)

            # ---------------------- Direct emission ----------------------

            # Compute MIS weight for emitter sample from previous bounce
            ds = mi.DirectionSample3f(scene, si=si, ref=prev_si)

            mis = mis_weight(
                scene.pdf_emitter_direction(prev_si, ds, ~prev_bsdf_delta)

            with dr.resume_grad(when=not primal):
                Le = β * mis * ds.emitter.eval(si)

            # Add transient contribution
            add_transient(Le, distance,
                          ray.wavelengths, active)

            # ---------------------- Emitter sampling ----------------------

            # Should we continue tracing to reach one more vertex?
            active_next = (depth + 1 < self.max_depth) & si.is_valid()

            # Is emitter sampling even possible on the current vertex?
            active_e = active_next & mi.has_flag(
                bsdf.flags(), mi.BSDFFlags.Smooth)

            # Uses NEE or laser sampling depending on self.laser_sampling
            Lr_dir = emitter_sample_f(
                mode, scene, sampler,
                si, bsdf, bsdf_ctx,
                β, distance, η, depth,
                active_e, add_transient)

            # ------------------ Detached BSDF sampling -------------------

            if self.hg_sampling and self.hg_sampling_do_rroulette:
                # choose HG or BSDF sampling with Russian Roulette
                hg_prob = mi.Float(0.5)
                do_hg_sample = sampler.next_1d(active) < hg_prob
                pdf_bsdf_method =
                    mi.Float(1.0) - hg_prob)
                # only one option
                do_hg_sample = mi.Mask(self.hg_sampling)
                pdf_bsdf_method = mi.Float(1.0)

            active_hg = active_next & do_hg_sample
            bsdf_sample_hg, bsdf_weight_hg = self.hidden_geometry_sample(
                scene, sampler, bsdf,
                bsdf_ctx, si, sampler.next_1d(), sampler.next_2d(), active_hg)

            active_nhg = active_next & (~do_hg_sample)
            bsdf_sample_nhg, bsdf_weight_nhg = bsdf.sample(
                bsdf_ctx, si, sampler.next_1d(), sampler.next_2d(), active_nhg)

            bsdf_sample =
                do_hg_sample, bsdf_sample_hg, bsdf_sample_nhg)
            bsdf_weight =
                do_hg_sample, bsdf_weight_hg, bsdf_weight_nhg)

            # ---- Update loop variables based on current interaction -----

            L = (L + Lr_dir) if primal else (L - Lr_dir)
            ray = si.spawn_ray(si.to_world(bsdf_sample.wo))
            η *= bsdf_sample.eta
            β *= bsdf_weight / pdf_bsdf_method

            # Information about the current vertex needed by the next iteration

            prev_si = dr.detach(si, True)
            prev_bsdf_pdf = bsdf_sample.pdf
            prev_bsdf_delta = mi.has_flag(
                bsdf_sample.sampled_type, mi.BSDFFlags.Delta)

            # -------------------- Stopping criterion ---------------------

            # Don't run another iteration if the throughput has reached zero
            β_max = dr.max(β)
            active_next &= dr.neq(β_max, 0)

            # Russian roulette stopping probability (must cancel out ior^2
            # to obtain unitless throughput, enforces a minimum probability)
            rr_prob = dr.minimum(β_max * η**2, .95)
            active_next &= rr_prob > 0

            # Apply only further along the path since, this introduces variance
            rr_active = depth >= self.rr_depth
            β[rr_active] *= dr.rcp(rr_prob) & (rr_prob > 0)
            rr_continue = sampler.next_1d() < rr_prob
            active_next &= ~rr_active | rr_continue

            # ------------------ Differential phase only ------------------

            if not primal:
                with dr.resume_grad():
                    # 'L' stores the indirectly reflected radiance at the
                    # current vertex but does not track parameter derivatives.
                    # The following addresses this by canceling the detached
                    # BSDF value and replacing it with an equivalent term that
                    # has derivative tracking enabled. (nit picking: the
                    # direct/indirect terminology isn't 100% accurate here,
                    # since there may be a direct component that is weighted
                    # via multiple importance sampling)

                    # Recompute 'wo' to propagate derivatives to cosine term
                    wo = si.to_local(ray.d)

                    # Re-evaluate BSDF * cos(theta) differentiably
                    bsdf_val = bsdf.eval(bsdf_ctx, si, wo, active_next)

                    # Detached version of the above term and inverse
                    bsdf_val_det = bsdf_weight * bsdf_sample.pdf
                    inv_bsdf_val_det =, 0),
                                                 dr.rcp(bsdf_val_det), 0)

                    # Differentiable version of the reflected indirect
                    # radiance. Minor optional tweak: indicate that the primal
                    # value of the second term is always 1.
                    Lr_ind = L * \
                        dr.replace_grad(1, inv_bsdf_val_det * bsdf_val)

                    # Differentiable Monte Carlo estimate of all contributions
                    Lo = Lr_dir + Lr_ind

                    if dr.flag(dr.JitFlag.VCallRecord) and not dr.grad_enabled(Lo):
                        raise Exception(
                            "The contribution computed by the differential "
                            "rendering phase is not attached to the AD graph! "
                            "Raising an exception since this is usually "
                            "indicative of a bug (for example, you may have "
                            "forgotten to call dr.enable_grad(..) on one of "
                            "the scene parameters, or you may be trying to "
                            "optimize a parameter that does not generate "
                            "derivatives in detached PRB.)")

                    # Propagate derivatives from/to 'Lo' based on 'mode'
                    if mode == dr.ADMode.Backward:
                        dr.backward_from(δL * Lo)
                        δL += dr.forward_to(Lo)

            depth[si.is_valid()] += 1
            active = active_next

        return (
            L if primal else δL,  # Radiance/differential radiance
            dr.neq(depth, 0),    # Ray validity flag for alpha blending
            list(L)                  # State for the differential phase

and I'm trying to use it with the code below:

import sys

import mitsuba as mi
import drjit as dr

# sys.path.insert(1, '../..')
import mitransient as mitr

from typing import List

# end here

from mitransient.films.transient_hmpolarized_hdr_film import TransientHMPolarizedHDRFilm
from mitransient.integrators.transientnlosstokes import TransientNLOSStokes
from mitransient.sensors.nloscapturemeter import NLOSCaptureMeter
from mitransient.films.transient_hdr_film import TransientHDRFilm
from mitransient.integrators.transientnlospath import TransientNLOSPath

                 lambda props: TransientHMPolarizedHDRFilm(props))
                       lambda props: TransientNLOSStokes(props))
mi.register_sensor('nlos_capture_meter', lambda props: NLOSCaptureMeter(props))
mi.register_film("transient_hdr_film", lambda props: TransientHDRFilm(props))
mi.register_integrator("transient_nlos_path", lambda props: TransientNLOSPath(props))

# # set up geometry with polarized light
geometry = mi.load_dict(
        "type": "obj",
        "filename": "./example_scene/bunny.obj",
        "to_world": mi.ScalarTransform4f.translate([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]),
        "pbsdf": {'type': 'measured_polarized',
                'filename': "./3_chrome_inpainted.pbsdf",
                "wavelength": 500,
                'alpha_sample': 0.02},

# Load the emitter (laser) of the scene
emitter = mi.load_dict(
        "type": "projector",
        "irradiance": 100.0,
        "fov": 0.2,
        "to_world": mi.ScalarTransform4f.translate([-0.5, 0.0, 0.25]),

# Define the transient film which store all the data
transient_film = mi.load_dict(
        "type": "transient_hmpolarized_hdr_film",
        "width": 64,
        "height": 64,
        "temporal_bins": 300,
        "bin_width_opl": 0.006,
        "start_opl": 1.85,
        "rfilter": {"type": "box"},

# Define the sensor of the scene
nlos_sensor = mi.load_dict(
        "type": "nlos_capture_meter",
        "sampler": {"type": "independent", "sample_count": 5000},
        "account_first_and_last_bounces": False,
        "sensor_origin": [-0.5, 0.0, 0.25],
        "transient_film": transient_film,

# Load the relay wall. This includes the custom "nlos_capture_meter" sensor which allows to setup measure points directly on the shape and importance sample paths going through the relay wall.
relay_wall = mi.load_dict(
        "type": "rectangle",
        "bsdf": {"type": "diffuse", "reflectance": 1.0},
        "nlos_sensor": nlos_sensor,

# Finally load the integrator
integrator = mi.load_dict(
        "type": "transient_nlos_path",
        "nlos_laser_sampling": True,
        "nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling": True,
        "nlos_hidden_geometry_sampling_do_rroulette": False,
        "temporal_filter": "box",


# print("name:", integrator.__class__.__name__)

scene = mi.load_dict({
    'type' : 'scene',
    'geometry' : geometry,
    'emitter' : emitter,
    'relay_wall' : relay_wall,
    'integrator' : integrator

And then I have this runtime error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/luiginixy/Pol NLOS/", line 88, in <module>
    integrator = mi.load_dict(
RuntimeError: Unable to cast Python instance to C++ type (#define PYBIND11_DETAILED_ERROR_MESSAGES or compile in debug mode for details)
mcrescas commented 4 months ago

Hi @LuigiNixy ,

I think you should open an issue in the repo as you mention you are using their code. I am closing this issue for now.
