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Enhancing the project builder and build process šŸ« #77

Closed mitsuki31 closed 8 months ago

mitsuki31 commented 1 year ago

What's Changed

Maven POM





Maven POM

The Maven POM section outlines changes related to the project's Maven configuration. These include introducing a new profile called lint, refining plugin configurations, adjusting the Javadoc output path, configuring reporting environments, and adding user properties that offer customization options.


Profile Description Utilized By
lint Enables and invokes the linter maven-compiler-plugin, maven-javadoc-plugin
include-src Generates another JAR file containing source files only maven-source-plugin

User Properties

Property Description Type Default
jdkVersion Specifies the version of JDK to be used for integer 11
sourceJdk Specifies the source code's version integer ${jdkVersion}
targetJdk Specifies the target of Java SE release integer ${jdkVersion}
verbose Enables the verbose output boolean false
quiet Enables quiet or silent mode during javadoc generation boolean false
debug Enables debug mode boolean false
_encoding Specifies characters encoding used by source files string UTF-8
minmemory Sets the initial or minimum size of the heap bytes + [k|m|g] 32m
maxmemory Specifies the maximum size of the heap bytes + [k|m|g] 64m


In the Make section, you'll find details about changes made to the project's Make files and build process. This involves refactoring and improving Make file configurations, introducing a make directory containing essential Make files, creating experimental custom flags for easier option activation, and refining the project's main Makefile.

This changes also improved Make on retrieving all necessary Java commands. This is an important things, so make sure users has Java Development Kit (JDK) installed correctly. First try, it will checks the definition of JAVA_HOME environment and takes all necessary commands inside bin directory (i.e., it will be $JAVA_HOME/bin). If the first try failed, on second try it will checks necessary commands using type command, returning an error if all tries failed.

The first try may failed due to undefined JAVA_HOME on system environment. Users can check definition of this environment using this command:

printenv | grep JAVA_HOME


make <TARGET>... [[OPTION=<value>] | [CUSTOM_FLAGS]]...


Target Description Depends
compile Compiles all source files in this project None
package Generates a JAR file containing compiled classes files compile
build-docs Generates HTML-based documentations None
clean Cleans the working directory thoroughly None
cleanbin Cleans all compiled classes files only None
cleandocs Cleans all generated HTML-based documentations None
help Prints and displays the help message None

Options and User Properties

Name Description Type Default Utilized By
LINT Enables and invokes the linter during build process boolean false compile, build-docs
INCLUDE_SRC Enables ability on package target rule to generate another JAR file containing only source files boolean false package
VERBOSE Enables verbose output boolean false All targets
--- --- --- --- ---
FLAGS Specifies additional flags to specific target string None All targets
ENCODING Specifies characters encoding used by source files string UTF-8 compile, build-docs
SOURCE_JDK Specifies the source code's version integer 11 compile
TARGET_JDK Specifies the target Java SE release integer 11 compile
MIN_MEMORY Sets the initial or minimum size of the heap bytes + [k|m|g] 32m compile, build-docs
MAX_MEMORY Specifies the maximum size of the heap bytes + [k|m|g] 64m compile, build-docs

Please be cautious when using FLAGS option, it will force all specified targets to use the flags, which may lead to unexpected behaviors. It is recommended to use only one target when using this option.

Custom Flags

In these changes, we have introduced a new set of activator options called "Custom Flags". These custom flags allow users to easily activate or deactivate specific options. The custom flags simplify the process of enabling options because they omit the need for specifying option values. Additionally, their activation process is consistent with Maven's profiles. Here is a list of Make's custom flags:

Flag Description Alternative
.lint Activates and invokes the linter during build process LINT
.include-src Enables the ability of package target rule to generate another JAR file containing only source files INCLUDE_SRC
.verbose Enables verbose output VERBOSE

Please be cautious when using those custom flags, as they are experimental and may lead to unexpected behaviors and errors. It is recommended to use the <FLAGS>=<value> format for a more reliable and predictable experience.

ā›” Disadvantages

When using these custom flags as the first target or as standalone rules, they will override the default rule (top rule). Make will attempt to treat the first argument (the custom flag) as a target rule and execute it. In such cases, Make may not build anything, resulting in no actions being taken, as the first argument is not actually a target rule.

For clarity, here is the example command:

make .lint

This code won't do anything unless there is an actual targets on ahead or behind it.


It covers additions to MANIFEST.MF, where several new entries have been included. Additionally, all values in MANIFEST.MF have been updated to reference properties defined in the Maven POM.

We have redesigned the help message, providing more comprehensive information about Make's targets and options. There are two types of help messages available: one with ANSI color codes for enhanced readability and the other in its original version without ANSI color codes. To deactivate ANSI color codes i.e., use other help message that doesn't have ANSI color codes, simply define the RAW or NOCC variable with a value of true on the command line. For instance:

mitsuki31 commented 10 months ago

Closed this PR for a mean time, till next minor update probably.

mitsuki31 commented 8 months ago

There's one other PR that's part of this PR, especially in completing todo above, see #97.