mittwald / go-helm-client

Go client for accessing the Helm package manager
MIT License
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Can not deploy simple nginx-helm chart #209

Open jasric89 opened 1 month ago

jasric89 commented 1 month ago

I'm trying to deploy the ingress-nginx helm chart with no customizations, and I keep getting context deadline exceeded.

I can deploy this with helm install absolutely fine.

My code snippet:

    // Builds Helm Chart Client ////
    fmt.Println("Building Helm Client\n")
    opt := &helmclient.Options{
        Namespace:        "default", // Change this to the namespace you wish the client to operate in.
        RepositoryCache:  "/tmp/.helmcache",
        RepositoryConfig: "/tmp/.helmrepo",
        Debug:            false,
        Linting:          true,
        DebugLog:         func(format string, v ...interface{}) {},
        Output:           &outputBuffer, // Not mandatory, leave open for default os.Stdout

    myHelmClient, err := helmclient.New(opt)
    if err != nil {

    //// Now use Helmchart client to create external-secrets chart repo //////
    fmt.Println("Deploying nginx-ingress\n")
    nginxchartRepo := repo.Entry{
        Name:               "ingress-nginx",
        URL:                "",
        PassCredentialsAll: true,

    if err := myHelmClient.AddOrUpdateChartRepo(nginxchartRepo); err != nil {
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Added Chart Repo %s\n", nginxchartRepo.Name)

    // Now Run Update Chart Repos
    if err := myHelmClient.UpdateChartRepos(); err != nil {
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("Updating Chart Repo\n")

    // Now install the chart from the repo thats just been created./////////////////////
    nginxchartSpec := helmclient.ChartSpec{
        ReleaseName:     "nginx-ingress",
        ChartName:       "ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx",
        Namespace:       "nginx-ingress",
        CreateNamespace: true,
        SkipCRDs:        false,
        Wait:            true,
        //ValuesOptions: values.Options{
        //  ValueFiles: []string{"nginxvalues.yaml"},
    nginxInstalledHelmChart, err := myHelmClient.InstallChart(ctx, &nginxchartSpec, nil)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Status of Chart Install %v,\n", *nginxInstalledHelmChart.Info)
jasric89 commented 1 month ago

I've managed to get this output from the helm client run. It might help with troubleshooting.

2024/05/30 12:09:36 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:37 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" ServiceAccount
2024/05/30 12:09:37 Ignoring delete failure for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" /v1, Kind=ServiceAccount: serviceaccounts "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" not found
2024/05/30 12:09:37 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:38 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:38 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" ClusterRole
2024/05/30 12:09:38 Ignoring delete failure for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission", Kind=ClusterRole: "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" not found
2024/05/30 12:09:38 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:38 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:39 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" ClusterRoleBinding
2024/05/30 12:09:39 Ignoring delete failure for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission", Kind=ClusterRoleBinding: "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" not found
2024/05/30 12:09:39 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:40 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:40 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" Role
2024/05/30 12:09:40 Ignoring delete failure for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission", Kind=Role: "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" not found
2024/05/30 12:09:40 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:41 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:41 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" RoleBinding
2024/05/30 12:09:41 Ignoring delete failure for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission", Kind=RoleBinding: "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" not found
2024/05/30 12:09:41 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:42 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:42 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create" Job
2024/05/30 12:09:42 Ignoring delete failure for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create" batch/v1, Kind=Job: jobs.batch "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create" not found
2024/05/30 12:09:42 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:42 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:42 Watching for changes to Job nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:43 Add/Modify event for nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: ADDED
2024/05/30 12:09:43 nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: Jobs active: 0, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
2024/05/30 12:09:43 Add/Modify event for nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: MODIFIED
2024/05/30 12:09:43 nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: Jobs active: 1, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
2024/05/30 12:09:46 Add/Modify event for nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: MODIFIED
2024/05/30 12:09:46 nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: Jobs active: 0, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
2024/05/30 12:09:46 Add/Modify event for nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission-create: MODIFIED
2024/05/30 12:09:46 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" ServiceAccount
2024/05/30 12:09:46 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:46 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" ClusterRole
2024/05/30 12:09:46 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:46 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" ClusterRoleBinding
2024/05/30 12:09:46 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:46 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" Role
2024/05/30 12:09:46 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:47 Starting delete for "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-admission" RoleBinding
2024/05/30 12:09:47 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:47 beginning wait for 1 resources to be deleted with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:47 creating 11 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:09:47 beginning wait for 11 resources with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:09:47 Error received when checking status of resource nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission. Error: 'client rate limiter Wait returned an error: context deadline exceeded', Resource details: 'ResourceName: "nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-admission", Namespace: "nginx-ingress"'
2024/05/30 12:09:47 Retryable error? true
2024/05/30 12:09:47 Retrying as current number of retries 0 less than max number of retries 30
2024/05/30 12:09:48 context deadline exceeded
exit status 1
jasric89 commented 1 month ago

Actually this helm client wont install any helm charts. Moving on from nginx-ingress and trying to install cert-manager you get a very similar error:

2024/05/30 12:57:32 creating 1 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:57:33 creating 39 resource(s)
2024/05/30 12:57:33 beginning wait for 39 resources with timeout of 0s
2024/05/30 12:57:33 Error received when checking status of resource cert-manager. Error: 'client rate limiter Wait returned an error: context deadline exceeded', Resource details: 'Resource: "/v1, Resource=services", GroupVersionKind: "/v1, Kind=Service"
Name: "cert-manager", Namespace: "cert-manager"'
2024/05/30 12:57:33 Retryable error? true
2024/05/30 12:57:33 Retrying as current number of retries 0 less than max number of retries 30
2024/05/30 12:57:34 context deadline exceeded
exit status 1

This is most unfortunate as now I need to go back to the drawing board and re-program my whole project. As this client was the basis of this project.

This needs fixing currently you cant deploy a single helm chart with this client.