mittwald / kubernetes-secret-generator

Kubernetes controller for automatically generating and updating secrets
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Secret length configurable via annotation #16

Closed wms closed 4 years ago

wms commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this operator - it's very useful. What would make it even more useful, IMO, would be the opinion to specify the length of a secret via annotations.

I appreciate that this could be considered insecure as it leaks some property about the secret (ie, it's length) so there are a couple of ways one could handle this:

  1. Name the annotation something like potentiallyUnsafeLength to make it clear to users that this isn't always the best way to go about things.

  2. Allow support for a complementary maxLength annotation, so at least an observer doesn't know the exact length of the generated secret.

Thanks for your time!

stuartpb commented 3 years ago

How do you figure the length of a secret is potentially unsafe? If I know a password consists of 14 characters taken randomly from a 64-character set, that narrows it down to 2^84 possibilities. It's not like this knowledge constitutes a meaningful reduction to the attack space - the Earth will be swallowed by the Sun before you'd be able to make any kind of a dent in the search set (just a smidge under twenty trillion trillion - expressed in meters, about a quarter tenth the width of the observable universe).

wms commented 3 years ago

How do you figure the length of a secret is potentially unsafe?

For me, the key word there is/was potentially. Yes, it's a longshot, but disclosing any information that narrows the search space like this is still worth calling out and being verbose about.