The SVG File of the Hamburger Menu is display:none; in the print.css but there will be no PDF file produced. If I deleted it from the template it works fine.
The Error is: Fatal error: 'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in … …… /typo3conf/ext/web2pdf/Vendor/mpdf/mpdf/classes/svg.php on line 2710
Anybody a solution? I would like to leave the SVG there.
The SVG File of the Hamburger Menu is display:none; in the print.css but there will be no PDF file produced. If I deleted it from the template it works fine.
The Error is: Fatal error: 'break' not in the 'loop' or 'switch' context in … …… /typo3conf/ext/web2pdf/Vendor/mpdf/mpdf/classes/svg.php on line 2710
Anybody a solution? I would like to leave the SVG there.