mitydigital / statamic-scheduled-cache-invalidator

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Change query to also query date, not just time #3

Closed ryanmitchell closed 5 months ago

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago

This PR includes a small fix to limit the query to the date as well as the time, otherwise we will match and invalidate entries with the correct time, but on the wrong date.

martyf commented 6 months ago

OK so this may be me being dumb… but queryTime is only doing time and not date?

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago

yeah whereTime just does the time part of the date, it ignores the rest

martyf commented 6 months ago

Is this for Eloquent or File too?

Looking at the filterWhereTime function of Stache\Query\Builder.php, the $compareValue that gets built is a full date time, not just time. Unless I'm missing something?

I've updated tests, running file, to try to fail (i.e. two entries, different collections, different days, but same time each day) and tests still pass.

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago it should only affecting the time portion of the string - not the date (if its doing more its a bug in core!). and yeah eloquent works the same way - whereTime only considers the date part of what you compare it against. I always want there to be a whereDateTime but there isnt.

martyf commented 6 months ago

Humour me then... can you write a test that fails just using whereTime? I can't, and I'd like to have coverage of this.

This is where it'd be great to get a query dump (i.e. ray()->queries()) to see exactly what it looks like.

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago

Yeah Im just noticing that the stache will always work as its using the entry date as the base, then setting the time from the comparison date... so it will always be the same day. If it was the other way round it would fail. What idiot wrote that (me).

Anyway, its needed for eloquent as it definitely doesnt work there!

martyf commented 6 months ago

I've added a collection that has the same time but different day, and the suite passes still.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there no way to be able to test against eloquent without requiring the eloquent-driver package? I'm wondering if I need to somehow write a test case for the ScheduledCacheInvalidatorTest for Eloquent - i.e. duplicate this test, but before running re-configure for Eloquent. Is this where require-dev would allow this? Sorry if that's a numpty question.

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago

Yeah I think we've stumbled on a bug in the stache query builder - when you pass a full date string to whereTime, it's setting that whole date, rather than just the time parts. See this commit for what I'd change here to align the behaviour core currently expects.

If you take out the whereDate() on line 28 and just keep whereTime(), you'll see it now fails.

I'm going to fix up that bug on the core side, making sure that whereTime only considers the time part.

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago

PR on core here with a bit of explanation:

martyf commented 6 months ago

Just to ensure I have the right understanding here:

The PR to core fixes the issue, meaning with the next Statamic release, tests will start to fail.

Just making sure I understand all the moving parts.

ryanmitchell commented 6 months ago

Yeah that’s correct

martyf commented 5 months ago

With the latest core branch, without your guts of the PR, those tests fail correctly. This is awesome, thank you.

ryanmitchell commented 5 months ago

Got there in the end! Thanks for your patience.

martyf commented 5 months ago

And yours with timezones and weekends