Today I had the fun experience of my work VPN dying while trying to connect to a remote server over ssh. In that process, netman fails to read the ssh server I told it to and properly tosses an error (though maybe not the best one)
Unable to read ssh://$SERVERNAME///, received error / doesn't exist
This is good! However, it looks like something is mildly broken with how we integrate those "results" into Neo-tree as immediately after this error, we get the following failure
E5108: Error executing lua: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'ipairs' in function 'navigate'
...vim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/ui/neo-tree/commands.lua:14: in function 'func'
...are/nvim/lazy/neo-tree.nvim/lua/neo-tree/ui/renderer.lua:782: in function <...are/nvim/lazy/neo-tree.nvim/lua/neo-tree/ui/renderer.lua:780>
We need better nil handling on results within our Neo-tree integration it seems
Today I had the fun experience of my work VPN dying while trying to connect to a remote server over ssh. In that process, netman fails to read the ssh server I told it to and properly tosses an error (though maybe not the best one)
This is good! However, it looks like something is mildly broken with how we integrate those "results" into Neo-tree as immediately after this error, we get the following failure
We need better nil handling on results within our Neo-tree integration it seems