miversen33 / netman.nvim

Neovim (Lua powered) Network Resource Manager
MIT License
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[Bug] Nmread does not work #204

Closed Aonodensetsu closed 4 months ago

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

When using the netman GUI integrated into neo-tree, remote files can be opened. When using Nmread however (and netman:read), they do not open.

Log: https://h.00t.in/m/netman.log

I'm the person on Debian, running the v1.15 branch.

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

I'm working on fully lazy-loading neo-tree, which is why I found this to be a thing.

on BufEnter: image

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

Ahh ya looks like you got bit with the shitty documentation bug :) Try switching out

vim.defer_fn(function() require'netman':read(f) end, 0)


vim.defer_fn(function() require'netman'.read(f) end, 0)

It looks like the documentation still refers to using : instead of . when making function calls. That is bad and wrong. Lemme know if that works :)

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

cool, but as I said the same applies to :Nmread, so that does not fix my issue

they seem to work under specific circumstances:

the file list does not open for folders, and trying to do as i'm doing even with defer, does not work

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

Huh, I will investigate further. I remember thinking that opening directories with :Nmread would be an issue with the most recent update but I thought I pushed some code up to allow that (sorta), though that might still be in my local working branch and not in v1.15 (or main, you should stop using v1.15).

Thanks for the issue open! I will poke some this afternoon and see what I can figure out for you.

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

As we discussed in my previous ticket, I can't move to main because it crashes neovim on load. https://github.com/miversen33/netman.nvim/issues/174

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

Are you saying that my proposed fix didn't work? I asked if it did and didn't hear anything back so I assumed it did. Getting you on main is important

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

the v1.15 branch as well as commenting the line worked, i didn't get to the testing branch before it was 404, but assumed it was the same fix

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

i think lazy cached the main branch from before the fix as a clean install off main now works, but did not in my test right before posting this issue

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

Perfect :) I don't suppose getting you on main fixed this issue though, correct?

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

no, still on the second attempt it also seems to not set the filetype sometimes

also :e seems to never work

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

the 'fetching file' alert shows up every time, even if it doesn't actually open the file

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

:e most certainly should be working, at least on a file level :(

Can you (for the sake of my sanity) show me an :e command that doesn't work?

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

:e scp://self/.bashrc before image after, the buffer name changes and no file is opened image :Nmread scp://self/.bashrc after first time, same as :e but shows alert image after subsequent times image

running :e multiple times doesn't do anything different

Aonodensetsu commented 5 months ago

:Nmread is equivalent to .read but mixing them does not make the other work immediately

:Nmread -> :Nmread (works) .read -> .read (works) :Nmread -> .read (does not work) -> :Nmread/.read (either works)

also it seems like they prepend content to the buffer, if something is in it both contents remain - and the filetype is not updated

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

That's a whole lot of weirdness going on. I really appreciate the screenshots :)

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

Just a note, I am able to reproduce this issue. So that's fun. I will be creating another branch and seeing what I can figure out

miversen33 commented 5 months ago

Ok so I have figured out what is happening here. The issue you are seeing is related to the addition of async support for providers. This support is relatively robust but it seems there is a bug in how non-async requests work with providers that support async calls. I thought I had that figured out but I guess not.

For those who are curious, the problem line is api.lua:1003

This line is a problem because the by including this callback, it informs everything under it that it needs to be asynchronous if possible. That works for 90% of calls as async is the standard/default way of interacting with stuff.

The reason this is falling over is because we are not providing a callback to read but the rest of read is assuming async if possible. Thus the result is basically "lost". That also explains why it "works" after multiple attempts. This is a lucky coincidence due to the api's file read caching system. It sees the file is already downloaded and thus escapes and returns the file contents to open.

I am not sure the best way to handle this. Its likely a 2 pronged approach. I need to fix the actual API logic so it doesn't just assume async at all times. But I should also get :Nmread to work asynchronously as well.

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

Another fun bug I have uncovered, multiple Nmread calls just overwrite the same buffer. So that's fun :upside_down_face: I suspect that bug has been around for a while and just not noticed.

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

@Aonodensetsu can you try out Branch 204-bug-nmread-does-not-work and see if it fixes the issues you outlined?

This doesn't implement async handling for Nmread (something I still want to do) nor does it address the buffer overwriting bug I mentioned above. But I think it fixes the whole "having run the command twice" issue

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago


Host self
    User <username>

not lazy: term: nvim -c 'e ssh://self/.bashrc' == nvim ssh://self/.bashrcnvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc'nvim -c 'lua require"netman".read("ssh://self/.bashrc")' ✅ nvim file view (nvim .bashrc): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅ neo-tree folder view (nvim .): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc')

my lazy config: term: nvim -c 'e ssh://self/.bashrc' == nvim ssh://self/.bashrcnvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc'nvim -c 'lua require"netman".read("ssh://self/.bashrc")' ✅ nvim file view (nvim .bashrc): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc ✅❌ does not load file properties lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅❌ does not load file properties neo-tree folder view (nvim .): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc')

the lazy results also apply after manually loaded with Lazy load netman.nvim

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

from the results, it looks like e is fixed, both Nmread and .read are not fixed in folder view, nor does the plugin load them correctly after VimStart as before, remote folders don't open at all, i will probably botch a bypass to netrw for them unless you plan to add that feature

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

Ya opening folders is going to be a bit of a mess and I am not including that in this branch. That's my next stream of work though after this and getting Nmread to play nice with async.

You have a test about "File properties", can I ask what you mean by that?

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

file type, buffer name eg the file content is set, the properties not

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

tbh i don't really understand why e works in folder view but not commands directly, are you sending events correctly? (i'm hooked into BufEnter)

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

The properties not

This doesn't explain anything lol what properties are you expecting to be set? This is likely an oversite on my part as I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about here.

tbh i don't really understand why e works in folder view but not commands directly, are you sending events correctly? (i'm hooked into BufEnter)

Folder view (in Neo-tree I assume you mean) handles opening files slightly differently than Nmread. This is mostly an artifact of the Neo-tree consumer supporting asynchronous reading of files and native "netman.read" not. Also Neo-tree does some help in creating buffers and opening files which I have to do myself when using "netman.read". Its definitely possible that I am doing something "incorrect" there.

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

the properties that i listed in that message, file type and buffer name only the content of the file is put into the buffer

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

Well, that is very strange. I will keep poking. Thank you so much for your help with this :)

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

@Aonodensetsu can you re-pull branch 204-bug-nmread-does-not-work and see if the issues you listed are still present?

I added some better buffer creation logic (this needed to be done anyway) and fixed the issue with the file name not being set.

I still have not retrofitted Nmread to support async yet and I will not be adding directory support with Nmread in this branch (that is a different set of work I need to do), but I hope to have cleared up the issues you have uncovered here

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'deletebufline'
        ...local/share/nvim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/ui/init.lua:288: in function 'render_command_and_clean_buffer'
        ...o/.local/share/nvim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/init.lua:63: in function 'read'
        /home/ao/.config/nvim/init.lua:706: in function ''
        vim/_editor.lua: in function ''
        vim/_editor.lua: in function <vim/_editor.lua:0>
Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

.read was changed?

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

ah wait my bad, this is in the lazy code, but i am testing without lazy now

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

That's an odd error, there should never be a point where netman is trying to write to an unmodifiable buffer. I'm sure the process you followed wasn't convoluted but can you provide the logs from Nmlogs when you executed Nmread there?

And yes, .read was slightly modified. Nmread is literally just a vim function that passes everything to .read so any work being done on Nmread will happen in .read or further down the call stack

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

not lazy: term: nvim -c 'e ssh://self/.bashrc' == nvim ssh://self/.bashrcnvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc' ✅❌ shows error 1 but opens nvim -c 'lua require"netman".read("ssh://self/.bashrc")' ✅❌ shows error 1 but opens nvim file view (nvim .bashrc): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅ neo-tree folder view (nvim .): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc')

my lazy config: term: nvim -c 'e ssh://self/.bashrc' == nvim ssh://self/.bashrcnvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc' ✅❌ shows error 2 then 1 but opens nvim -c 'lua require"netman".read("ssh://self/.bashrc")' ✅❌ shows error 1 twice but opens nvim file view (nvim .bashrc): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrclua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅ neo-tree folder view (nvim .): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc ✅❌shows error 1 but opens :lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅❌shows error 1 but opens

error 1:

E5108: Error executing lua Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'deletebufline'
        ...local/share/nvim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/ui/init.lua:288: in function 'render_command_and_clean_buffer'
        ...o/.local/share/nvim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/init.lua:63: in function 'read'
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk

error 2:

Error executing Lua callback: .../share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/handler/cmd.lua:48: command line: Vim(lua):E5108: Error executing lua Vim:E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'deletebufline'
        ...local/share/nvim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/ui/init.lua:288: in function 'render_command_and_clean_buffer'
        ...o/.local/share/nvim/lazy/netman.nvim/lua/netman/init.lua:63: in function 'read'
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk
        [C]: in function 'cmd'
        .../share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/handler/cmd.lua:48: in function <.../share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/handler/cmd.lua:16>
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'cmd'
        .../share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/handler/cmd.lua:48: in function <.../share/nvim/lazy/lazy.nvim/lua/lazy/core/handler/cmd.lua:16>
Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

https://h.00t.in/m/netman.log -c '.read' with lazy disabled

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

I just pushed up another change, try pulling that down and then trying again.

Also something interesting I am seeing in your logs, it seems that .read is being called twice

If you look at line 224, you see a second "Reading ssh://self/.bashrc".

Which of your tests did this log come from?

For reference, here is a log file from my machine when I do the same exact test netman2.log

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

not lazy: term: nvim -c 'e ssh://self/.bashrc' == nvim ssh://self/.bashrcnvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc'nvim -c 'lua require"netman".read("ssh://self/.bashrc")' ✅ nvim file view (nvim .bashrc): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅ neo-tree folder view (nvim .): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc:lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc')

my lazy config: term: nvim -c 'e ssh://self/.bashrc' == nvim ssh://self/.bashrcnvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc'nvim -c 'lua require"netman".read("ssh://self/.bashrc")' ✅ nvim file view (nvim .bashrc): :e ssh://self/.bashrc:Nmread ssh://self/.bashrclua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅ neo-tree folder view (nvim .): :e ssh://self/.bashrc ✅❌loads content twice :Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc ✅❌loads content twice :lua require'netman'.read('ssh://self/.bashrc') ✅❌loads content twice

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

yeah i have no idea why it gets called twice

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

this is my lazy load code in netman's (neo-tree's actually) init

vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('BufEnter', {
  group    = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('RemoteFileInit', {clear = true}),
  callback = function()
    local f = vim.fn.expand('%:p')
    for _, v in ipairs{'sftp', 'ssh', 'scp', 'docker'} do
      local p = v .. '://'
      if string.sub(f, 1, #p) == p then
        vim.api.nvim_clear_autocmds{group = 'RemoteFileInit'}
        end, 0)
    -- omitted: similar netrw clause for dav, fetch, ftp, http, rcp, rsync
Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

if i run the command again to reopen the file it loads once and works

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

So interestingly, I am noticing that when I execute Nmread after opening a directory with nvim . (which loads up neo-tree), Neovim closes instead of doing anything.

You are not seeing that behavior which now has me wondering what is different between our 2 setups. Can you provide me a minimal replication config?

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

i am unable to replicate nvim closing https://h.00t.in/m/min.lua

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

It's likely my neotree configuration. What would be most beneficial to me is to isolate your issue in a minimal reproducible configuration. Can you provide me one with just the bare minimum needed to recreate your issue you're seeing when you open up a directory and then execute Nmread?

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

my lazy config is somehow the issue but i have no idea how since it just calls .read, i'm assuming events are fired in a weird order and the call interrupts an already opening copy of Nmread

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

when netman is set to lazy, -c .read works fine, but -c Nm not, despite lazy.nvim supposedly loading the plugin before running the command this only happens from the commandline, and the plugin loads correctly when either get ran after vim enters

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

Ya that makes sense. If you are lazy loading Netman, it can't define the vim commands (since you are never loading Netman). Thus, :Nmread literally doesn't exist and therefore nothing happens when you call it.

There is really no reason to lazy load Netman.

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

lazy.nvim can be set up to catch commands that will exist after a plugin loads, and the plugin does load, just doesn't load correctly netman is currently not loaded, lazy.nvim is creating fake commands that will load the plugin then run the real one: image this works when ran after VimEnter image

it loads the file twice when ran as nvim -c 'Nmread ssh://self/.bashrc' image

it isn't that big of a deal to not lazyload netman, but it would be nice if it was possible to do so

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

it isn't that big of a deal to not lazyload netman, but it would be nice if it was possible to do so

While I can respect your specific usecase, lazyloading Netman is not something I will be supporting. Netman is a framework and part of its framework is doing exactly what you have coded in your lazy configuration.

If you remove lazy loading of netman, can you confirm that things work 'as expected'? in this new branch?

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

after a clean install i'm having the same issue without my lazy load code with both -c options (e works) really weird

miversen33 commented 4 months ago

Please provide me a minimal reproducible configuration so I can replicate and test on my local system.

Aonodensetsu commented 4 months ago

'doing the same thing and expecting different results' is called crazy, but that's what i'm experiencing, literally every time i do a clean reinstall something else happens lol