float distance = controllerCollider.height * underwaterThreshold;
Can it be be controller.defaultHeight instead?
Because when i enter water, it correctly uses underwaterThreshold percent. But even if it's set to 1, when i try to exit water, the distance still uses the controllerCollider.height * 0.25.
Resulting in "swimming in landmass" until very far from the water body
In PlayerCharacterControllerMovement.375: float distance = controllerCollider.height * underwaterThreshold;
Can it be be controller.defaultHeight instead?
Because when i enter water, it correctly uses underwaterThreshold percent. But even if it's set to 1, when i try to exit water, the distance still uses the controllerCollider.height * 0.25. Resulting in "swimming in landmass" until very far from the water body
Tested and this fixes it