mixOmicsTeam / mixOmics

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Legend symbols do not match plot for plotIndiv of an sPLS-DA model #305

Closed klai001 closed 4 months ago

klai001 commented 4 months ago

im using version 6.26 downloaded through bioConductor encountering the same error here https://github.com/mixOmicsTeam/mixOmics/issues/82

klai001 commented 4 months ago

image this happends with indiv names as F; but when indiv names are true, they are ok

klai001 commented 4 months ago

i tried downloading the existing stable verison thru this github repo; but didnt work as well.

mixomics.plsda<-mixOmics::plsda(X=logmerge[,2:21],Y=logmerge$Age, ncomp=4)
Age.group.colors <- c("lightblue","navyblue")

mixOmics::plotIndiv(mixomics.plsda,title="Score plot for PLSDA",col.per.group=Age.group.colors,ellipse = T,ind.names = F,legend=T)