mixer / beam-client-python

Super basic chat bot framework for Beam
MIT License
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Chatty json decoding issue #9

Open Day0Dreamer opened 7 years ago

Day0Dreamer commented 7 years ago

There I was, running the example.py and nothing worked :D

PS C:\Users\DayDreamer-i7\Desktop\beam-client-python-master> C:\Python34\python.exe .\example.py`

Traceback (most recent call last): File ".\example.py", line 20, in chat.authenticate() File "C:\Users\DayDreamer-i7\Desktop\beam-client-python-master\chatty\connection.py", line 54, in authenticate self._get_chat_details() File "C:\Users\DayDreamer-i7\Desktop\beam-client-python-master\chatty\connection.py", line 33, in _get_chat_details self.userid = requests.get(url=url, headers=header).json()['id']

KeyError: 'id'

Purzifal commented 7 years ago

Did you remember to config.example.py to config.py and ammend with your authentication information. seems like its not authenticating you. did you also create an oauth client on your account, https://mixer.com/lab , its the only thing I can think of that could be causing this, I don't have my development laptop with me so I cannot really confirm.

@Day0Dreamer I will check this when I get home in about 1.5 hours

EDIT: @connor4312 or @SimonSchick you can close this issue as this was due to wrong user settings in config.py

Rhinorulz commented 5 years ago

Hey, i'm just gonna sneek in here, and say that i have this same issue, and do have my token/secret and id in config.py