Some thoughts about getting the bundle name only from the package.json.
(1) One use case where it doesn't work well is multiple people working on a project:
Two people have the same interactive project checked out from source control. One makes a change and wants to see it live, so they upload the bundle. Another person makes a change and wants to see it live, so they try to upload a bundle, but get an error. Even if they're linked to a different Interactive Project, they still get an error because the project name is the same.
Of course they should not be stepping on each other's bundles anyway - they should be using different bundle names along with their different interactive projects. But that's really difficult the way things are right now.
How we've been working around this is with each developer editing the package.json file and not committing it, which is a pain, since we do want other changes to the package.json file to be synced through source control.
(2) A second problem case:
As a solo developer, I make a build of my bundle for a limited group to try out. I upload a bundle and send them the game client. Now, while they're still trying that out, I want to keep developing new features and test them. Again I don't want to step on the bundles people are actively using, so I make a new Interactive Project on mixer, link to that project, but I also need to rename my bundle. So now I'm manually re-editing a line in my package.json file when I switch back and forth between my two development scenarios. (And probably restarting the CDK so it doesn't get confused?)
The Request
Let me specify the bundle name somewhere easier in the CDK, using the package.json name as a default
Save this to the .miix folder (which is NOT in source control)
Let me easily switch between previously used bundle names
I would also like to be allowed to share a bundle name between developers, but that's probably a separate issue.
If there's some other way around this already, or if I've misunderstood some aspect of the process, please let me know!
The Problem
Some thoughts about getting the bundle name only from the package.json.
(1) One use case where it doesn't work well is multiple people working on a project:
Two people have the same interactive project checked out from source control. One makes a change and wants to see it live, so they upload the bundle. Another person makes a change and wants to see it live, so they try to upload a bundle, but get an error. Even if they're linked to a different Interactive Project, they still get an error because the project name is the same.
Of course they should not be stepping on each other's bundles anyway - they should be using different bundle names along with their different interactive projects. But that's really difficult the way things are right now.
How we've been working around this is with each developer editing the package.json file and not committing it, which is a pain, since we do want other changes to the package.json file to be synced through source control.
(2) A second problem case:
As a solo developer, I make a build of my bundle for a limited group to try out. I upload a bundle and send them the game client. Now, while they're still trying that out, I want to keep developing new features and test them. Again I don't want to step on the bundles people are actively using, so I make a new Interactive Project on mixer, link to that project, but I also need to rename my bundle. So now I'm manually re-editing a line in my package.json file when I switch back and forth between my two development scenarios. (And probably restarting the CDK so it doesn't get confused?)
The Request
I would also like to be allowed to share a bundle name between developers, but that's probably a separate issue.
If there's some other way around this already, or if I've misunderstood some aspect of the process, please let me know!