Provided we have a rating from 1-5, we could calculate the similarity of 2 users with:
For all recipes both users have rated, calculate the difference between the ratings, add a factor X and divide it by the number of recipes plus a factor Y.
The lower the similarity the closer the ratings of the 2 users are. Ranging from 0 to 4.
Factor X & Y in this case are used as a bias. Basically we say, the users have already voted on Y recipes and are in the middle for those. E. g. 10 recipes were one voted 2 and the other voted 4. That is to distinguish between users that have voted the same for one reciped and those that have voted the same for two recipes.
Recipe A: User A 1, User B 1, User C * 1
Recipe B: User A 1, User B 1
If we don't use a bias we have:
A to B: ((1-1)+(1-1))/2 = 0
A to C: ((1-1))/1 = 0
With bias (X=2*10=20, Y=10):
A to B: ((1-1)+(1-1)+20)/(2+10) = 20/12 = 1.67
A to C: ((1-1)+20)/(1+10) = 20/11 = 1.81
Side note: I would do something like this also for calculating the recipe rating, so one 5 star rating can not push a recipe to the top. Not sure if I would want to display that rating or only use it for sorting though.
Provided we have a rating from 1-5, we could calculate the similarity of 2 users with:
For all recipes both users have rated, calculate the difference between the ratings, add a factor X and divide it by the number of recipes plus a factor Y.
The lower the similarity the closer the ratings of the 2 users are. Ranging from 0 to 4.
Factor X & Y in this case are used as a bias. Basically we say, the users have already voted on Y recipes and are in the middle for those. E. g. 10 recipes were one voted 2 and the other voted 4. That is to distinguish between users that have voted the same for one reciped and those that have voted the same for two recipes.
If we don't use a bias we have:
With bias (X=2*10=20, Y=10):
Side note: I would do something like this also for calculating the recipe rating, so one 5 star rating can not push a recipe to the top. Not sure if I would want to display that rating or only use it for sorting though.
This is only a starting point.