mixpanel / mixpanel-js

Official Mixpanel JavaScript Client Library
867 stars 309 forks source link

The latest version of the library is different between NPM and CDN #402

Closed woneob closed 7 months ago

woneob commented 7 months ago

The library version in the master branch on GitHub and the latest release version published on NPM is 2.47.0. However, the CDN's library version is 2.48.0.

GitHib https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mixpanel/mixpanel-js/master/dist/mixpanel.globals.js

    var Config = {
        DEBUG: false,
        LIB_VERSION: '2.47.0'

CDN: https://cdn.mxpnl.com/libs/mixpanel-2-latest.js

    var Config = {
        DEBUG: false,
        LIB_VERSION: '2.48.0'

Why is that different? Could you please publish the latest version to the NPM registry?

woneob commented 7 months ago

It was released a few hours ago as v2.48.0. 👏

tdumitrescu commented 7 months ago

Hi @woneob, yes we often lead with the CDN for a bit before publishing to NPM. 2.48.0 is now out everywhere; release notes are here: https://github.com/mixpanel/mixpanel-js/releases/tag/v2.48.0