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New --controllerDebugInput argument? To only print input messages. #12453

Open mxmilkiib opened 7 months ago

mxmilkiib commented 7 months ago

It's very overwhelming to at times have double figure numbers of MIDI output debug lines per second being printed to the console when one is only trying to deal with following MIDI input events.

Could a --controllerDebugInput flag please be implemented?

This is mentioned in #9875, but that issue asks for a whole system of debug message filtering options at the same time, which overloads that issue, so I'm creating this new request for the most important and assumedly simplest to implement improvement over the current situation.

JoergAtGithub commented 7 months ago

In 2.4, you can do this by setting the environment variable QT_LOGGING_RULES. --controller-debug is just a convinience method to set typical settings for controller debugging. There you can specify filter rules like QT_LOGGING_RULES="controller.*.debug=true;*.input.debug=false"

Swiftb0y commented 7 months ago

Yup, use QT_LOGGING_RULES to customize the output. no extra flags please.

mxmilkiib commented 7 months ago


But editing my launch script to QT_LOGGING_RULES="controller.*.debug=true;*.input.debug=false" mixxx --settingsPath ./mixxxdb and I get no output to the terminal even when I do alter an input control.

Is this me doing something wrong, or a bug?

Edit: 2.5-alpha-170-g9345c19446 (main)

Edit2: I also tried QT_LOGGING_RULES="*input.debug=true;*output.debug=false" mixxx from the forum but that didn't work either.

Edit3: just in case, tried both QT_LOGGING_RULES="*.debug=true" mixxx and QT_LOGGING_RULES="*=true" mixxx; these give qt.[etc] outputs right at the start, but still no controller input/output feedback to the terminal. Same with QT_LOGGING_RULES="controller.*" mixxx

Which is weird cos I'm looking at https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/blob/b4bb62bf562ad1ea8150428846fc67a346e2c88f/src/util/logging.cpp#L41 and --controllerDebug and --controller-debug both do the same in and out MIDI feedback thing..

Edit4: I am seeing the ~/.mixxx/mixxx.log files, but nothing extra in there. Tried QT_LOGGING_RULES="controller.input.debug=true;controller.output.debug=false" mixxx, no difference.

mxmilkiib commented 7 months ago

So here's a full-whack log. 32MB

From searching for Controller; some of the phrasing sounds like maaaybe the Controller logging isn't working properly?

22:33:23.979 Debug [Controller] ::: considering signature "scratchEnable(int,int,double,double,double)"
22:33:23.979 Debug [Controller] updated best bestParameterScore 0 
 bestMaxMatchScore 4 
 bestSumMatchScore 8 

22:33:23.979 Debug [Controller] ::: considering signature "scratchEnable(int,int,double,double,double,bool)"
22:33:23.979 Debug [Controller] rejected, insufficient arguments
22:33:24.024 Debug [Controller] Generated BaselineJIT code for function QV4::Function(0x7fe5990f9890):
22:33:24.024 Debug [Controller]     Code at [0x7fe5990f9890, 0x7fe5990f998c):
22:33:24.024 Debug [Controller]     disassembly not available for range 0x7fe5990f9890...0x7fe5990f998c
22:33:24.024 Debug [Controller] Generated BaselineJIT code for function QV4::Function(0x7fe5990f9990):
22:33:24.024 Debug [Controller]     Code at [0x7fe5990f9990, 0x7fe5990f9df2):
22:33:24.024 Debug [Controller]     disassembly not available for range 0x7fe5990f9990...0x7fe5990f9df2
22:33:24.955 Debug [Controller] ::: considering signature "scratchDisable(int)"
22:33:24.955 Debug [Controller] updated best bestParameterScore 0 
 bestMaxMatchScore 4 
 bestSumMatchScore 4 

22:33:24.955 Debug [Controller] ::: considering signature "scratchDisable(int,bool)"
22:33:24.955 Debug [Controller] rejected, insufficient arguments