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Tracks are resorted after track removal #12565

Open mxmilkiib opened 8 months ago

mxmilkiib commented 8 months ago

Bug Description

I'm seeing this thing that on removing an item , there's a kind of glitch, the cover art for that row doesn't disappear, it steys the same one is removed like 16 items up, and other tracks' text all jump up one row, but the cover art stays the same height.


2.4 and later



ronso0 commented 8 months ago

Could you please provide a short screencast demonstrating the issue?

mxmilkiib commented 8 months ago

Took a few attempts.. finally got a clean one. 6s. mixxx_library_glitch-2024-01-15_01.59.19.webm

Edit: so the 2 entries directly above what is getting deleted jump upward 4 places (in this case)

mxmilkiib commented 8 months ago

Another. Accidendally amended it to the first, 7 secs on, ffmpeg editing keeps cutting it wrong and I'm tired so full clip mixxx_library_glitch2-2024-01-15_02.09.07.webm at 12s

Edit: so the entry above it gets moved downward 5 positions and the one 9 above it goes upward one position

Edit2: the first one is the previous clip amended, it's another actual glitch one, I thought it wasn't before. In the first glitch the entry below moves to above it (well above where it was).

ronso0 commented 8 months ago

It's very hard to spot it. By which column are the track sorted when you remove a track?

Can you reproduce when sort, then remove a track without doing anything in between that might affect the track metadata? (e.g. playing a track chnages the play count and the 'last played' value)

mxmilkiib commented 8 months ago

Don't play the videos, scrub them so you control what is being shown. Open on mpv and use . and , to move by frame.

I don't know how to reproduce yet. I'm focusing on curating and editing metadata, but I'll see if I can remember. I clicked on the side panel then tab into the library, that might count for something to help reproduced. Probably because I'm on the current Qt.

ronso0 commented 8 months ago

First clip:

Same in the second clip:

Currenty you have tracks sorted by key. Mixxx supports multi-column sorting, so obviously the previous sort columns is relevant here. A possible explanantion is you previously sorted by Preview (= shuffle, hidden feature).

Please verify sort order is not touched when you sort by two regular properties (columns), then remove a track.

mxmilkiib commented 8 months ago

Oh.. If you delete a track, does Tracks resort everything automatically, without one telling it to do so, that where I'm assuming that that sorting behaviour is most often reactivated by clicking the column header.

ronso0 commented 8 months ago

No, it shouldn't resort, and it doesn't when you remove tracks, even if one or more of the listed tracks were changed since the initial sorting (changed like any track properties used for sorting was touched).

It seems this only only occurs when one of the last three columns used for sorting is Preview, even if no listed track was changed since the initial sorting.

That's why I asked you to

Please verify sort order is not touched when you sort by two regular properties (columns), then remove a track.

If you can confirm it only occurs when Preview is involved we'll change the title and know where to look (though no guarantee this can be fixed easily).

mxmilkiib commented 8 months ago

I haven't sorted by Preview

ronso0 commented 8 months ago

Oh, you're right. Preview is irrelevant, it's indeed the last-used sort column :|