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Keyboard shortcuts for loading track from library into left/right deck not working anymore #13305

Open DJMaxergy opened 1 month ago

DJMaxergy commented 1 month ago

Bug Description

Normally I use custom keyboard shortcuts which worked without problems since 2015. Since the update to 2.4.1 today the shortcuts for loading tracks from the library to the left or right deck are not working anymore (Shift + left/right arrow). Other shortcuts for playing sampler or triggering cue points are working as expected. I also deleted my custom shortcuts to use the default ones instead, but there these shortcuts are not working, too. As a last step I started Mixxx from terminal with debug logs, but there were no entries concerning my keyboard shortcuts.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

CPU: 1,6 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 6000 1536 MB




macOS Monterey 12.7.5

ronso0 commented 4 weeks ago

If you start Mixxx with keyboard shortcuts enabled, the mixxx log should contain one or more lines about the keyboard file in use, it's amonst the first lines being logged:

Debug [Main] Found and will use custom keyboard mapping "[some file path]"

or, if Mixxx found a keyboard mappin in your user directory

Debug [Main] Found and will use default keyboard mapping "[some file path]"

Can you check the content of that file?

DJMaxergy commented 4 weeks ago

If I start Mixxx as always (Custom.kbd.cfg in user folder under .../Application Support/Mixxx) I get the following log entry as you described @ronso0: debug [Main] Found and will use custom keyboard mapping "/Users/DJMaxergy/Library/Containers/org.mixxx.mixxx/Data/Library/Application Support/Mixxx/Custom.kbd.cfg" Most parts of that config file are working except the track loading in the library as described above.

If I start Mixxx with previously deleting that custom keyboard config file, I get the other log entry as you described: debug [Main] Found and will use default keyboard mapping "/Applications/Mixxx.app/Contents/Resources/keyboard/de_DE.kbd.cfg"

Most custom or default shortcuts are working...except the track loading.

I also see: debug [Main] keyboard press: "Shift+Left" when I try to load a track from the library into the left deck. This should be the default keyboard shortcut I think/hope/saw on the wiki. In my custom keyboard config it is.

ronso0 commented 4 weeks ago

Hmm, very strange. I tested the de_DE mapping from 2.4 and 2.5, both work as expected. To clarify: you also tested with empty and loaded (stopped) decks? (Just to rule out some deck protection prevents loading)

DJMaxergy commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, I start Mixxx (initially the decks are empty / no track loaded) and put the focus on the library frame by clicking on a track with the left mouse button. After that I "scroll" through the library by pressing the up/down arrow key. If I reach the track I want to load to a deck (marked in the library window), I press Shift + Left to load it to the left deck for example....but nothing happens. Previously I had the Mixxx 2.4.0 stable version where the keyboard shortcuts still worked as expected. Only after the update to 2.4.1 the problem occured. 2.5 is the actual development branch/version, right? Should I try a nightly build version of 2.5?

ronso0 commented 4 weeks ago


Sure, trying 2.5-alpha won't hurt. You'll find backup instructions here https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/wiki/Testing

I'll check the diff 2.4 -> 2.4.1, maybe I can spot something, but from the top of my head, I'm not aware of any related changes, 2.4.1 was just a bugfix release without any major and/or risky changes.

ronso0 commented 4 weeks ago

You may also try downgarding to 2.4 (backup your data) and double-check that the regression has indeed been introduced by 2.4.1

DJMaxergy commented 3 weeks ago

So....I thought going back to 2.4.0 stable release would be more helpful to find the difference which causes the problem: After re-installing the 2.4.0 stable release, loading a track from the library window into the left/right deck using the keyboard shortcuts works! That's why I conclude that it must be some change in 2.4.1 which causes the problem. Was there anything done concerning the library focus handling or something?

ronso0 commented 3 weeks ago

The load controls are independent from the focus. I'll check the changes soonish. Requirements are a track table view and a selected track.

ronso0 commented 3 weeks ago

@DJMaxergy Please check #13331

DJMaxergy commented 3 weeks ago

I checked #13331 and attached the logs there.