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Host validation for broadcasting profile #13328

Open acolombier opened 3 weeks ago

acolombier commented 3 weeks ago

Feature Description

Currently, it is possible to create a broadcasting profile with invalid host. This leads to very poor experience and hard to diagnose connectivity issues what trying to go live.

As an UX improvement, we should:

This can be performed using QValidator and editingFinished signal

Relates to #13300

Swiftb0y commented 3 weeks ago

Perform DNS resolution with domain name

That would fail in the usecase where a broadcasting profile is created while the PC is offline ahead of time, potentially leading to a false-negative. Doing this check when starting to broadcast should be sufficient IMO. The other checks are a good idea though (though the rules for URL validation are complicated, so we very much shouldn't try to this ourselves).

acolombier commented 3 weeks ago

Some of these validation can be soft and simply display a warning, so we don't block rare cases where one would use non conventional custom domain name or configure the profile while offline or unable to resolve the private domain.

Also, note the validation is for the host and not a URL, which is easier to validate.

Swiftb0y commented 3 weeks ago

yeah. I'm just not sure if the complexity is worth the feature. I'm just suggesting to KISS unless we're certain its worth it.

acolombier commented 3 weeks ago

KISS shouldn't be an excuse to make Mixxx not user friendly IMHO. As we've seen with the issue leading to the features request, there is value and doing such a thing.

Overall, I think there would be value in taking to consideration that not all DJ have extensive knowledge of computers science. Currently, this is a real barrier for DJ considering alternative djing software solutions and have to skip on Mixxx.