mixxxdj / mixxx

Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
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inconsistent file path at playlist export #13340

Open macrophone opened 2 weeks ago

macrophone commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Description

A strange behaviour have appeared since 2.4 : After a performance, I usualy export the playlist from the history then I import it into playlist with a custom naming. Since 2.4, the imported playlists are "empty", I have to export it a second time to see the tracks in it after import. After some tests here is what I noticed :

Can someone can reproduce this ?

My library is in /home/user/Music/library

/home/user/Music is a symliink to /mnt/data/music




Debian 12

macrophone commented 2 weeks ago

Exported playlists before upgrading to 2.4 shows a path from
