mixxxdj / mixxx

Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
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chore: update the donate button label #13353

Closed acolombier closed 2 weeks ago

acolombier commented 2 weeks ago

Noticed a weird mention of PayPal in the README which seem to have been missed in #3873

ronso0 commented 2 weeks ago

Um, why has this merged to main instead of 2.4? (I think that's the "oldest" version that may be looked up on Github)

acolombier commented 2 weeks ago

I did base it on main because that's the default view for anyone going to the Mixxx repo, but it might be worth having a cherry pick of this to 2.4 if anyone checks the README for the currently live version. Happy to do this if you think it is worth the time.

ronso0 commented 2 weeks ago

If no one disagrees in the next 24h I'll pick it and push directly to 2.4