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Add FILE line to Cuefile to include file path for each track #13365

Open presentformyfriends opened 1 week ago

presentformyfriends commented 1 week ago

Fixes #13321

This PR adds a FILE line to the Cuefile to show a filepath for each track (see issue for more information).

ronso0 commented 1 week ago

Just a word on Qt Designer: that potentially rearranges the .ui files (for no reason) which produces a unreviewable diff. If that happens please resort to editing the ui file manually in a text editor.

presentformyfriends commented 1 week ago

@ronso0 Thanks for the tip, I will pay attention to the .ui files order and will edit manually if need be

presentformyfriends commented 1 week ago

@acolombier Quick question, I just read in the Developer Guidelines to prefer merging over rebasing as rebasing apparently causes problems. I did not know this, and can't remember if I rebased or not. Is there a way for me to check if I rebased? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Thanks!

JoergAtGithub commented 1 week ago

Welcome at Mixxx! As a first-time contributor we need you to sign the Mixxx Contributor Agreement and comment here when you have done so. It gives us permission to distribute your contribution under the GPL v2 or later license and the Apple Mac App Store. It is also helpful for us to have contact information for contributors in case we may need it in the future.

ronso0 commented 1 week ago

@presentformyfriends Merging is preferred becasue rebasing rewrites the commit history and may detach review comments (which could mean a lot / everything hd to be reviewwd again)

Though, for this minimal PR that's irrelevant IMO.

presentformyfriends commented 1 week ago

Thanks @JoergAtGithub just signed it!

Welcome at Mixxx! As a first-time contributor we need you to sign the

presentformyfriends commented 1 week ago

Got it, good to know!

Merging is preferred becasue rebasing rewrites the commit history and may detach review comments (which could mean a lot / everything hd to be reviewwd again)

Though, for this minimal PR that's irrelevant IMO.