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Mixxx is Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes.
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A reanalyse disaster. #13479

Open belanimal opened 1 month ago

belanimal commented 1 month ago

Bug Description

Well .. good morning .. what a nightmare , I had a bunch of files i had to correct after i found defects in 6 of them , so i closed MIXXX .. did the edits , restarted MIXXX .. i found that the edits still showed the gaps in the waveforms , so .. steps Opened MIXXX and go to big library mode loaded a track , on the name of the track besides i right clicked Analyse , Reanalyse. I lost all configuration all playlists , all the configuration , all my controller files < POOF >

Restarted MIXXX , no go all config was gone. Restarted the computer ( Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia ) then restarted MIXXX , nothing , all configuration was gone , playlists everything is bye bye ..

Just a heads up as this would have been a show killer had this happened while live.

I have used MIXXX for the longest and since there's no trace of that crash and what it did and how it happened it's kind of hard to point a finger and fix it.

Please if you have an idea , let me know.

I recovered eventually and all seems ok .. but i hesitate in ever trying the reanalyse ever again :D

Good day


2.4.1 ( HEAD )


Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia

ronso0 commented 1 month ago

All config files, mappjngs, analyses etc. are in the settings directory https://manual.mixxx.org/2.4/en_gb/chapters/appendix/settings_directory

After which step did you notice the config/mappings are gone?

belanimal commented 1 month ago

right after i tried the reanalyse , MIXXX froze while it was supposed to reanalyse , I restarted , that's when i saw all was gone.

ronso0 commented 1 month ago

Killed and restarted Mixxx, or the computer?

If indeed all your mappings, config etc. are gone the entire ~/.mixxx directory vanished. Mixxx itself does only create the .mixxx dir -- under no circumstances it does delete the entire dir or subdirs.

That's why I suspect there was some error on the OSlevel, disk error or something that caused this. Is there any .mixxx residue in your home dir? (except the newly created .mixxx dir, of course)

ronso0 commented 1 month ago

I recovered eventually and all seems ok

How did yo recover?

belanimal commented 1 month ago

That's the theory, It creates a .mixxx if it dosen't exist when first used. I got that .. recovery ? i had to redo everything , fortunately the mapping i had created was on the mappings forum and it went back in. ( yeah .. backups ) , the playlists are gone. nothing i can do. i tried. All the audio setup was to be redone , all gui configs , Everything was gone. So .. i don't waste time and just redo it .. BUT

The timing of it , at the very moment i click on reanalyse for a disk error to happen and wiping one particular directory at that exact moment is , you will agree ,is , minimal at best or close to infinitesimal .

I work with a very good computer and up to that particular second never had a single file missing or suddenly disappearing. Mixxx was opened , something happened when clicking " reanalyse " at that very quarter second . That's all i can say .

Good day

ronso0 commented 1 month ago


Well, when the analysis is completed Mixxx stores the respecitive file in .mixxx/analysis. I don't understand how that could corrupt the entire parent directory

Is there any .mixxx residue in your home dir? (except the newly created .mixxx dir, of course)

Is there?

How did you install Mixxx: via official ppa? direct deb download? Flatpak?

belanimal commented 1 month ago

good morning :) The day after .. since this box is mission critical , i backed up my data and reinstalled the OS. ( Mint 21.3 ) I had installed Mixxx the latest 2,.4,1 via flatpak.

Only thing lost is playlists and that is minor since they're all recorded then the playlist is no longer usefull.

Since you mentioned disk corruption .. i had really too many doubts spinning in my mind and just said go for it. I reinstalled Mint 21.3 Virginia. I run the same on all my boxes withing the studio. ( 3 computers all linked together signals flowing from one to another with jacktrip , calf plugins , it's a really fun setup , i am having a ball )

I got all jack and related apps going Mixxx is also working with my controller. Version official mint package 2.3.2. It is working. It was an adventure , but before pointing fingers i prefer to make sure that my shit's ok.

Backing up more often pops to mind .. dunno .. might be worth it one day ;)

Thanks for helping .. i guess we can say solved for now.


official ppa ? o.O ? you got my curiosity there.

ronso0 commented 1 month ago

official ppa ? o.O ? you got my curiosity there.

The one listed on the official download page, currenty providing Mixxx 2.4.1 https://mixxx.org/download/#stable-ubuntu

We provide a PPA on Launchpad to make installing install the latest stable version of Mixxx as easy as possible. Open a terminal, and enter:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mixxx/mixxx sudo apt update sudo apt install mixxx

Using the PPA ensures that new package versions will be installed automatically with apt. Otherwise, you can download individual packages and install them manually.

My feeling says it's a Flatpak issue. Never had or heard of file issues/deletion/corruption with the official binaries (deb, msi, dmg). Flatpak is semi-official, i.e. not provided/maintained by the Mixxx team but by volunteers.

belanimal commented 1 month ago

Didn't waste a second , added the repo and installed 2.4.1 ( HEAD )

Very might well be the flatpak , i never had a problem with releases installed through apt

Thank you . You've been most helpfull.
