Open mixxxbot opened 2 years ago
Commented by: esbrandt Date: 2014-07-19T10:10:57Z
AFAIK you can not assign specific values to controls via keyboard shortcuts other than the extensions (e.g. _toggle
) listed on
Syntax is [ChannelN] control+extension shortcut
Try the following example were pressing 9
toggles filterHigh min/max value and Alt+9
returns to default value
[Channel1] filterHigh_toggle 9 filterHigh_set_zero Alt+9
Commented by: Be-ing Date: 2014-09-09T17:54:05Z
It does what the wiki describes, but it is not a solution to the problem that I opened this bug report for.
Commented by: Be-ing Date: 2014-09-25T17:53:07Z
So is anyone going to implement this? I would if I knew C++ and Qt.
Commented by: rryan Date: 2014-09-25T18:23:57Z
The existing controls (_set_zero, _set_one, _toggle, _set_minus_one, etc.) cover 90% of the use cases I think so this is pretty low priority -- nobody is working on it at the moment (that I know of)?
Keyboard control will hopefully get a revamp in the next year so that you can do assignments via GUI and so on. Maybe someone will implement it then?
Commented by: Pegasus-RPG Date: 2015-01-05T05:38:26Z
This sounds like a vote for scripting the keyboard: rolling keyboard control into the Controller subsystem and treating it as just another controller that just has a bunch of buttons. Shall we rename this bug or is there another?
Reported by: Be-ing Date: 2014-07-17T05:19:44Z Status: Confirmed Importance: Wishlist Launchpad Issue: lp1343112 Tags: keyboard
Section 11.2 of the User Manual, "Making a Custom Keyboard Mapping" ( ) says that the wiki page listing controls ( ) lists all the controls in keyboard mappings. However, there is no documentation of the syntax of keyboard mapping files. Looking at the default examples, it is obvious that the syntax for binary controls is merely:
control keyboard+shortcut
However, there is no way to adjust numeric values listed on the wiki page about controls. Or if there is a way, it is not documented.I have tried putting each of the following lines in my ~/.mixxx/Custom.kbd.cfg file (under [Channel1]):
filterHigh 1.0 Home filterHigh +1.0 Home filterHigh -1.0 Home filterHigh Home 1.0 filterHigh Home +1.0 filterHigh Home -1.0
All of the above has no effect. Putting "filterHighKill Home" works as expected.
My intention is to be able to define keyboard shortcuts to adjust dials up and down as well as set them to predeterimined specified values (particularly, the default value like with right clicking on them) all from my keyboard. Mapping filterHighKill, filterMidKill, and filterLowKill to keys is helpful, but limited.