miya0001 / child-pages-shortcode

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"child-pages" shortcode used with "include-page" results in all pages being listed #3

Open jeremyhiggs opened 11 years ago

jeremyhiggs commented 11 years ago

I'm using a combination of the "include-page" and "child-pages" shortcodes, but it seems that the "child-pages" shortcode is misbehaving when included in another page.

e.g. page id 95 has content:

[include-page id="100" displayTitle="true"]

page id 100 has content:

NOWPDP provides services for organisations to fulfil their social responsibility and comply with the 2% employment quota.

[child-pages id="100"]

When viewing page with id 100 it looks fine. Page ID 100

When viewing page id 95, the content included from 100 shows ALL pages in the WordPress instance. Page ID 95

Is this a known bug?