miyagawa / Starman

Starman is a high-performance preforking Perl PSGI web server
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Starman-0.4006 - "Use of uninitialized value $opt in lc" #82

Closed Perlover closed 11 years ago

Perlover commented 11 years ago


Now i see a following warning (in terminal) when i start Starman process: Use of uninitialized value $opt in lc at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Starman/Server.pm line 70

When i had Starman version 0.4001 i got same error:

Use of uninitialized value $opt in lc at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Starman/Server.pm line 69.

In previous versions i didn't see like these warnings

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

It is a warning not error, right?

What do you see if you run the script with Carp::Always loaded?

Perlover commented 11 years ago

Sorry, yes, warning i think I didn't run a script with Carp::Always Should i do it? Can you write example of running (perl's -M optoin?)

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

are you running the script with perl -w or something? The particular code doesn't enable warnings and shouldn't raise them.

I could fix it, but your other warning might be related to that as well, so i need to confirm.

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:03 PM, Perlover notifications@github.com wrote:

Sorry, yes, warning i think

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/miyagawa/Starman/issues/82#issuecomment-23676534 .

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

Yes, you can run it with perl -MCarp::Always -S starman ...

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

Because Starman::Server doesn't have use warnings enabled (it's a separate discussion whether it should or not), i don't think you should see that warnings when running in a regular perl mode.

You will only see it if you run starman under global -w option (which is not recommend in recent perl).

Perlover commented 11 years ago

I had run with Carp::Always:

Starting TubeStore starman service (starman): Use of uninitialized value $opt in lc at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Starman/Server.pm line 70.
        Starman::Server::run('Starman::Server=HASH(0x264dbb8)', 'CODE(0x264dac8)', 'HASH(0x2646a10)') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Plack/Handler/Starman.pm line 18
        Plack::Handler::Starman::run('Plack::Handler::Starman=HASH(0x2646ad0)', 'CODE(0x264dac8)') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Plack/Loader.pm line 84
        Plack::Loader::run('Plack::Loader=HASH(0x16b53c8)', 'Plack::Handler::Starman=HASH(0x2646ad0)') called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Plack/Runner.pm line 277
        Plack::Runner::run('Plack::Runner=HASH(0x1403b88)') called at /usr/local/bin/starman line 38

And i didn't run perl -w - i have only use warnings statements in each my sources.

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

And how do you run the starman process?

starman -l 0:5000 -e 'sub { [200,[],["Hi"]] }'

does this give you the warning?

Are you using some crazy source code filtering that adds use warnings to every .pm files?

Perlover commented 11 years ago

And i had run by same way:

exec="perl -MCarp::Always -S $prog"
eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)


 $exec --listen XX.XX.XX.XX:NNNN \
    --min_servers=$min_servers \
    --max_servers=$max_servers \
    --min_spare_servers=$min_spare_servers \
    --max_spare_servers=$max_spare_servers \
    --disable-keepalive \
    --backlog 1024 \
    --pid /home/tubestore/tubestore/run/services/$prog.pid \
    --error-log /home/tubestore/tubestore/logs/starman/error.log \
    --access-log /home/tubestore/tubestore/logs/starman/access.log \
    --daemonize --app /home/tubestore/perl5/bin/tubestore.psgi \

Where XX.XX.XX.XX:NNNN - IP & port

Perlover commented 11 years ago
[tubestore@AH08 ~]$ starman -l 0:5000 -e 'sub { [200,[],["Hi"]] }'
2013/09/03-18:45:06 Starman::Server (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(4831)
Resolved [*]:5000 to []:5000, IPv4
Binding to TCP port 5000 on host with IPv4
Setting gid to "501 501 501"
^C2013/09/03-18:45:08 Server closing!
Can't call method "child_finish_hook" on an undefined value at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16.2/Net/Server/PreFork.pm line 199 during global destruction.
miyagawa commented 11 years ago

Can you answer my question whether you see the warnings with starman -l 0:5000 -e 'sub { [200,[],["Hi"]] }'?

If you replace your tubestore.psgi with that simple .psgi file, does that still give you warnings?

Perlover commented 11 years ago

Are you using some crazy source code filtering that adds use warnings to every .pm files?

No, i add use warnings by manually. I like use this because i can catch more errors.

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

No, i add use warnings by manually. I like use this because i can catch more errors.


Don't do it to the code you don't own.

Or, if you do it, do it at your own risk, and don't report that warnings that come out of it as a bug.

Perlover commented 11 years ago

Can you answer my question whether you see the warnings with No, i don't see warnings I copied a full output that i saw there.

If you replace your tubestore.psgi with that simple .psgi file, does that still give you warnings? I will try. There server under load and i cannot right now test it. I will write.

Perlover commented 11 years ago

Don't do it to the code you don't own.

I do it in only my code

Perlover commented 11 years ago

I USE use warnings IN ONLY MY SOURCES. I do it some years.

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

OK then, i asked if you use filters to add warnings to every file, and your answer "i do it manually" sounds like you did it to .pm files in my code. That was confusing.

Perlover commented 11 years ago

Or, if you do it, do it at your own risk, and don't report that warnings that come out of it as a bug. I don't understand I catch warnings from your sources and reported about it. And the $opt was undefined.

But please notice i didn't use perl -w for starting of Starman And i didn't changed your sources and didn't add there use warnings and didn't use source filters.

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

And the $opt was undefined.

But warnings are not enabled there and it shouldn't happen. That's why I'm asking if you're using -w (that enables warnings globally) or some magic code filter that adds use warnings to every file loaded.

Perlover commented 11 years ago

I understood you So one question is opened - who turns on warnings ;-) Ok, if i will know something i will let to know about it.

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

Do you have $^W = 1; somewhere in your code?

If so, stop doing so or make that local $^W = 1.

If one of your dependent modules does it, report to the upstream to get it fixed :)

Perlover commented 11 years ago

I think i know who it does I use Dancer

There is (./Dancer/Config.pm) :

sub load_default_settings {
    $SETTINGS->{server}       ||= $ENV{DANCER_SERVER}       || '';
    $SETTINGS->{port}         ||= $ENV{DANCER_PORT}         || '3000';
    $SETTINGS->{content_type} ||= $ENV{DANCER_CONTENT_TYPE} || 'text/html';
    $SETTINGS->{charset}      ||= $ENV{DANCER_CHARSET}      || '';
    $SETTINGS->{startup_info} ||= $ENV{DANCER_STARTUP_INFO} || 1;
    $SETTINGS->{daemon}       ||= $ENV{DANCER_DAEMON}       || 0;
    $SETTINGS->{apphandler}   ||= $ENV{DANCER_APPHANDLER}   || 'Standalone';
    $SETTINGS->{warnings}     ||= $ENV{DANCER_WARNINGS}     || 0;
    $SETTINGS->{auto_reload}  ||= $ENV{DANCER_AUTO_RELOAD}  || 0;
    $SETTINGS->{traces}       ||= $ENV{DANCER_TRACES}       || 0;
    $SETTINGS->{logger}       ||= $ENV{DANCER_LOGGER}       || 'file';
    $SETTINGS->{environment} ||=
      || $ENV{PLACK_ENV}
      || 'development';

    setting $_ => {} for keys %MERGEABLE;
    setting template        => 'simple';
    setting import_warnings => 1;


    import_warnings => sub {
        my ($setting, $value) = @_;
        $^W = $value ? 1 : 0;

It manipulatres ^W

Perlover commented 11 years ago

P.S. I use old version Dancer (1.91) - my fork with my patches ( https://github.com/Perlover/Dancer/tree/my/current ) I am not sure that now Dancer 1.* has this config but i think problem from him

ap commented 11 years ago
    setting import_warnings => 1;


import_warnings => sub {
    my ($setting, $value) = @_;
    $^W = $value ? 1 : 0;

facepalm\ What were they thinking?

ap commented 11 years ago

Anyway so this is maybe a Dancer bug but not a Starman bug.

miyagawa commented 11 years ago

It's crazy, but at least is deprecated in the latest Dancer and is renamed to global_warnings.