miyagawa / cpanminus

cpanminus - get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN
746 stars 213 forks source link

cannot open file ... 02packages.details.txt.gz': No such file or directory opening compressed index #646

Closed KES777 closed 2 years ago

KES777 commented 2 years ago

On one host I have installed modules:

$ cpanm --sudo --save-dists vendor --notest --installdeps -v -L local .
<== Installed dependencies for .. Finishing.

tar vendor folder and move it to other host, untar. Then on this host I want to install from this bundle.

cpanm --sudo --notest --installdeps -v --from "$PWD/vendor/cache/" .
Checking if you have Unix::Getrusage 0 ... No
Checking if you have Number::Phone == 3.7003 ... No (3.8005 doesn't satisfy == 3.7003)
Checking if you have XML::Feed 0 ... No
==> Found dependencies: Unix::Getrusage, Number::Phone, XML::Feed
Searching Unix::Getrusage on mirror file:///usr/local/chimera/vendor/cache ...
Downloading index file file:///usr/local/chimera/vendor/cache/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz ...
Uncompressing index file...
! cannot open file '/home/codemonkey/.cpanm/sources/file%usr%local%chimera%vendor%cache/02packages.details.txt.gz': No such file or directory opening compressed index
! Couldn't find module or a distribution Unix::Getrusage
Searching Number::Phone on mirror file:///usr/local/chimera/vendor/cache ...
Downloading index file file:///usr/local/chimera/vendor/cache/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz ...
Uncompressing index file...
! cannot open file '/home/codemonkey/.cpanm/sources/file%usr%local%chimera%vendor%cache/02packages.details.txt.gz': No such file or directory opening compressed index
! Couldn't find module or a distribution Number::Phone (== 3.7003)
Searching XML::Feed on mirror file:///usr/local/chimera/vendor/cache ...
Downloading index file file:///usr/local/chimera/vendor/cache/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz ...
Uncompressing index file...
! cannot open file '/home/codemonkey/.cpanm/sources/file%usr%local%chimera%vendor%cache/02packages.details.txt.gz': No such file or directory opening compressed index
! Couldn't find module or a distribution XML::Feed
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'XML::Feed' is not installed, Installed version (3.8005) of Number::Phone is not in range '== 3.7003', Module 'Unix::Getrusage' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for ..

It seems 02packages.details.txt.gz should be stored into vendor/cache/modules

miyagawa commented 2 years ago

It seems 02packages.details.txt.gz should be stored into vendor/cache/modules

You're making up a feature. It doesn't exist, and is not mentioned in the documentation.

Carton and Carmel does have this feature.

KES777 commented 2 years ago

I thought that --save-dists could be used then with --from.

If this is a feature, could you please implement probably --save-packages option. Anyway cpanm downloads it to some directory. Would be nice if we could configure that.

cpanm in compare to Carton and Carmel has standalone executable.

miyagawa commented 2 years ago

Again, I recommend you to check out Carmel, because the tool is made precisely for that workflow. See comment in #647 on how to get started.

Carmel has some perl dependencies, but you don't have to use Carmel on a production host - you can use cpanm to bootstrap the modules, using the files created by Carmel on local development environment or CI.

KES777 commented 2 years ago

The main benefit of cpanm is that it is standalone and come with perlbrew. Will try different flow via carmel/carton. Thank you.

miyagawa commented 2 years ago

The main benefit of cpanm is that it is standalone and come with perlbrew

Yes, but you can then install Carmel with cpanm Carmel locally, and as I commented you don't need it on a remote host on deployments. cpanm is great for bootstrapping your perl dependencies, but you don't have to be constrained by cpanm - it seems like your mindset is "I must use cpanm for everything", which I'd say is not true.

For example, you can install Carmel locally with cpanm -L vendor Carmel and get carmel setup in vendor/bin, which you can run with perl -Ivendor/lib/perl5 ./vendor/bin/carmel without polluting your system perl.

KES777 commented 2 years ago

Probably this is issue for carton, but I can not use -Ivendor/lib/perl5 for it: https://stackoverflow.com/q/72733619/4632019

$ cpanm -n -L ext Carton
Successfully installed Carton-v1.0.35
25 distributions installed

$ PERL5LIB=ext/lib/perl5 perl ext/bin/carton install --deployment
Installing modules using /home/ekonkov/cpanfile (deployment mode)
Successfully installed Text-CSV_XS-1.47
Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4231
Successfully installed Module-Runtime-0.016
Successfully installed Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11
Can't locate Menlo/Builder/Static.pm in @INC

If I provide absolute path, then installation works.

For carmel both fail: perl -Ivendor/lib/perl5/ ./vendor/bin/carmel and perl -I$PWD/vendor/lib/perl5/ ./vendor/bin/carmel

Errors are:

Running Makefile.PL
Warning: prerequisite Cpanel::JSON::XS 2.3310 not found.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
JSON 2.5 is required for $ENV{PERL_JSON_BACKEND} = '1'
 at /home/kes/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.30.3/lib/5.30.3/CPAN/Meta.pm line 616.
-> N/A
-> FAIL No MYMETA file is found after configure. Your toolchain is too old?
-> FAIL Configure failed for JSON-MaybeXS-1.004003. See /tmp/K1xikldVhU/work/1656498923.3>
! Bailing out the installation for Path-Tiny-0.122.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Installed version (7.34) of ExtUtils::MakeMaker is not in range '7.56'
! Bailing out the installation for Devel-CheckLib-1.16.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Devel::CheckLib' is not installed, Module 'DBI' is not installed, Installed version (7.34) of ExtUtils::MakeMaker is not in range '7.56'
---> Installing modules...
load_file() requires a valid, readable filename at vendor/lib/perl5/Carmel/Artifact.pm line 121.
KES777 commented 2 years ago

experimenting inside container:

# cpanm -n -L ext2 Carmel ``` --> Working on Carmel Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Carmel-v0.1.56.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Carmel-v0.1.56 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Menlo::CLI::Compat, CPAN::Common::Index, Module::Runtime, JSON, Try::Tiny, File::pushd, CPAN::DistnameInfo, Class::Tiny, Module::CPANfile, File::Copy::Recursive, Carton, Path::Tiny, ExtUtils::InstallPaths --> Working on Menlo::CLI::Compat Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Menlo-Legacy-1.9022.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Menlo-Legacy-1.9022 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Menlo --> Working on Menlo Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Menlo-1.9019.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Menlo-1.9019 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Parse::PMFile, CPAN::Meta::Check, File::pushd, Capture::Tiny, Win32::ShellQuote, local::lib, ExtUtils::Helpers, ExtUtils::InstallPaths, HTTP::Tinyish, String::ShellQuote, URI, CPAN::Common::Index, ExtUtils::Config, CPAN::DistnameInfo, Class::Tiny, Module::CPANfile, File::Which --> Working on Parse::PMFile Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/I/IS/ISHIGAKI/Parse-PMFile-0.43.tar.gz ... OK ==> Found dependencies: ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile --> Working on ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/I/IS/ISHIGAKI/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09.tar.gz ... OK Configuring ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Module::CPANfile --> Working on Module::CPANfile Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Module-CPANfile-1.1004.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Module-CPANfile-1.1004 ... OK Building Module-CPANfile-1.1004 ... OK Successfully installed Module-CPANfile-1.1004 Building ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09 ... OK Successfully installed ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile-0.09 Configuring Parse-PMFile-0.43 ... OK Building Parse-PMFile-0.43 ... OK Successfully installed Parse-PMFile-0.43 --> Working on CPAN::Meta::Check Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014.tar.gz ... OK Configuring CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014 ... OK Building CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014 ... OK Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-Check-0.014 --> Working on File::pushd Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/File-pushd-1.016.tar.gz ... OK Configuring File-pushd-1.016 ... OK Building File-pushd-1.016 ... OK Successfully installed File-pushd-1.016 --> Working on Capture::Tiny Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Capture-Tiny-0.48.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Capture-Tiny-0.48 ... OK Building Capture-Tiny-0.48 ... OK Successfully installed Capture-Tiny-0.48 --> Working on Win32::ShellQuote Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/H/HA/HAARG/Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001 ... OK Building Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001 ... OK Successfully installed Win32-ShellQuote-0.003001 --> Working on local::lib Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/H/HA/HAARG/local-lib-2.000029.tar.gz ... OK Configuring local-lib-2.000029 ... OK Building local-lib-2.000029 ... OK Successfully installed local-lib-2.000029 --> Working on ExtUtils::Helpers Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026.tar.gz ... OK Configuring ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026 ... OK Building ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026 ... OK Successfully installed ExtUtils-Helpers-0.026 --> Working on ExtUtils::InstallPaths Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012.tar.gz ... OK Configuring ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: ExtUtils::Config --> Working on ExtUtils::Config Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/ExtUtils-Config-0.008.tar.gz ... OK Configuring ExtUtils-Config-0.008 ... OK Building ExtUtils-Config-0.008 ... OK Successfully installed ExtUtils-Config-0.008 Building ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012 ... OK Successfully installed ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.012 --> Working on HTTP::Tinyish Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/HTTP-Tinyish-0.18.tar.gz ... OK Configuring HTTP-Tinyish-0.18 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: IPC::Run3, File::Which --> Working on IPC::Run3 Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/R/RJ/RJBS/IPC-Run3-0.048.tar.gz ... OK Configuring IPC-Run3-0.048 ... OK Building IPC-Run3-0.048 ... OK Successfully installed IPC-Run3-0.048 --> Working on File::Which Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/P/PL/PLICEASE/File-Which-1.27.tar.gz ... OK Configuring File-Which-1.27 ... OK Building File-Which-1.27 ... OK Successfully installed File-Which-1.27 Building HTTP-Tinyish-0.18 ... OK Successfully installed HTTP-Tinyish-0.18 --> Working on String::ShellQuote Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/R/RO/ROSCH/String-ShellQuote-1.04.tar.gz ... OK Configuring String-ShellQuote-1.04 ... OK Building String-ShellQuote-1.04 ... OK Successfully installed String-ShellQuote-1.04 --> Working on URI Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/O/OA/OALDERS/URI-5.10.tar.gz ... OK Configuring URI-5.10 ... OK Building URI-5.10 ... OK Successfully installed URI-5.10 --> Working on CPAN::Common::Index Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/CPAN-Common-Index-0.010.tar.gz ... OK Configuring CPAN-Common-Index-0.010 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Tie::Handle::SkipHeader, Class::Tiny, CPAN::DistnameInfo --> Working on Tie::Handle::SkipHeader Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Tie-Handle-Offset-0.004.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Tie-Handle-Offset-0.004 ... OK Building Tie-Handle-Offset-0.004 ... OK Successfully installed Tie-Handle-Offset-0.004 --> Working on Class::Tiny Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Class-Tiny-1.008.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Class-Tiny-1.008 ... OK Building Class-Tiny-1.008 ... OK Successfully installed Class-Tiny-1.008 --> Working on CPAN::DistnameInfo Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/G/GB/GBARR/CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12.tar.gz ... OK Configuring CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12 ... OK Building CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12 ... OK Successfully installed CPAN-DistnameInfo-0.12 Building CPAN-Common-Index-0.010 ... OK Successfully installed CPAN-Common-Index-0.010 Building Menlo-1.9019 ... OK Successfully installed Menlo-1.9019 Building Menlo-Legacy-1.9022 ... OK Successfully installed Menlo-Legacy-1.9022 --> Working on Module::Runtime Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/Z/ZE/ZEFRAM/Module-Runtime-0.016.tar.gz ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Module::Build --> Working on Module::Build Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/L/LE/LEONT/Module-Build-0.4231.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Module-Build-0.4231 ... OK Building Module-Build-0.4231 ... OK Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4231 Configuring Module-Runtime-0.016 ... OK Building Module-Runtime-0.016 ... OK Successfully installed Module-Runtime-0.016 --> Working on JSON Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/I/IS/ISHIGAKI/JSON-4.07.tar.gz ... OK Configuring JSON-4.07 ... OK Building JSON-4.07 ... OK Successfully installed JSON-4.07 --> Working on Try::Tiny Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/E/ET/ETHER/Try-Tiny-0.31.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Try-Tiny-0.31 ... OK Building Try-Tiny-0.31 ... OK Successfully installed Try-Tiny-0.31 --> Working on File::Copy::Recursive Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DM/DMUEY/File-Copy-Recursive-0.45.tar.gz ... OK Configuring File-Copy-Recursive-0.45 ... OK Building File-Copy-Recursive-0.45 ... OK Successfully installed File-Copy-Recursive-0.45 --> Working on Carton Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Carton-v1.0.35.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Carton-v1.0.35 ... OK ==> Found dependencies: Path::Tiny --> Working on Path::Tiny Fetching http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/D/DA/DAGOLDEN/Path-Tiny-0.122.tar.gz ... OK Configuring Path-Tiny-0.122 ... OK Building Path-Tiny-0.122 ... OK Successfully installed Path-Tiny-0.122 Building Carton-v1.0.35 ... OK Successfully installed Carton-v1.0.35 Building Carmel-v0.1.56 ... OK Successfully installed Carmel-v0.1.56 30 distributions installed ```
# perl -Iext2/lib/perl5/ ext2/bin/carmel ``` ---> Installing new dependencies: Perl::Critic::PetPeeves::JTRAMMELL, Test2, cPanel::PublicAPI, Cpanel::JSON::XS, ParseUtil::Domain, DBIx::Class::ParameterizedJoinHack, LWP::UserAgent, Text::CSV_XS, HTML::ParseBrowser, namespace::autoclean, Scalar::Readonly, Devel::Symdump, App::perlbrew, Clone, Regexp::Common, Const::Fast, CSS::Minifier::XS, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, DBIx::Class::QueryLog, MooseX::Attribute::Deflator, Sys::HostIP, HTML::Table, Redis, List::Util, Class::Mockable, Daemon::Control, Data::UUID, JavaScript::Minifier::XS, MooseX::LazyRequire, DBIx::Class::ColumnDefault, Net::OpenSSH, XML::Simple, Monitoring::Plugin, Number::Phone, Mail::SendGrid::SmtpApiHeader, DateTime, Net::Graphite, Capture::Tiny, Business::Tax::VAT::Validation, Devel::REPL::Plugin::ModuleAutoLoader, Class::Method::Modifiers, Email::Simple, HTML::Strip, Term::ReadKey, Net::Telnet, Test::Perl::Critic, IO::Interactive, Perl::Tidy, Text::CSV, PerlX::Maybe, Text::Diff, Test::Number::Delta, Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10, Hash::Merge, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, IO::Socket::SSL, File::Find::Rule, Dancer::Plugin::Database, autovivification, Net::IP, Net::CIDR::Set, List::MoreUtils, Data::Censor, Test::LWP::UserAgent, Throwable, CGI::Session, Net::EPP, Net::Traceroute, Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509, XML::Feed, Number::Phone::Normalize, Parallel::ForkManager, Net::OAuth2, CPAN::Perl::Releases, Plack, Test::Differences, Module::Pluggable, Params::Validate::Dependencies, Perl::Critic, Net::MAC, Data::Entropy::Algorithms, WWW::Mechanize, RPC::XML::Client, Timer::Milestones, Data::Structure::Util, MooseX::ClassAttribute, Archive::Extract, PDF::API2, Business::AuthorizeNet::CIM, File::Slurper, Net::OAuth, Imager::File::JPEG, Devel::Cover, XML::LibXML, Path::Class, Plack::Middleware::Timeout, Crypt::OpenSSL::X509, Imager, MooseX::Types, DBIx::Class, Template, Template::Plugin::Markdown, Digest::Crc32, DBD::mysql, Test::Exception, Tie::IxHash, Daemon::Daemonize, Test::Deep, Sub::Override, SMS::AQL, autobox, Math::BigInt::GMP, MooseX::Getopt, Email::Valid, Math::Round, Perl::Critic::Pulp, Mail::Header, String::Util, Excel::Writer::XLSX, DateTime::Format::MySQL, Net::Server, IO::Scalar, Net::SSLeay, Sub::Identify, HTTP::Async, String::LCSS_XS, DateTime::HiRes, AnyEvent, Email::Sender::Simple, AnyEvent::HTTP, Dancer, MIME::Decoder, Archive::Zip, DateTime::Format::Strptime, URI::QueryParam, Lingua::EN::Inflect, Net::SFTP::Foreign, Authen::Passphrase, XML::LibXML::Devel::SetLineNumber, Locale::SubCountry, JSON::MaybeXS, DateTime::Format::HTTP, File::HomeDir, Data::Random, GeoIP2::Model::Country, File::ReadBackwards, Data::Printer, DBIx::Class::QueryLog::WithStackTrace, Text::Sequence, Text::Trim, Crypt::PKCS10, Devel::REPL, DateTime::Format::ISO8601, Devel::Cover::Report::Clover, Math::Combinatorics, SMS::MessageBird, warnings::everywhere, Class::Accessor::Grouped, App::Ack, MooseX::NonMoose, Unix::Getrusage, List::MoreUtils::XS, MooseX::Role::Parameterized, Carp::Always, Module::Install, Moose, Sort::Naturally, Browser::Open, Dancer::Session::DBI, Test::Class::Moose, Hash::MoreUtils, Test::Class::Load, lib::abs, Date::Calc, DateTime::Format::DateParse, Redis::Namespace, XML::Twig, HTML::Defang, Data::Dump, Geography::States::NoUnicodeWarnings, URL::Encode, Path::Tiny, Crypt::SSLeay, Test::Class, Time::Fake, PPI, Term::ReadLine::Perl, Locale::Country, HTML::HTML5::ToText, Mojolicious, Config::Simple, Imager::File::PNG, Log::Log4perl, Net::RabbitFoot, IO::Pty, LWP::JSON::Tiny, MooseX::SetOnce, PerlX::Maybe::XS, Plack::Middleware::XForwardedFor, DBI, Sub::Name, PPI::HTML, Auth::GoogleAuth, Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken, Email::MIME, MIME::Types, Mozilla::CA, Devel::Caller::IgnoreNamespaces, Perl::Critic::Deprecated, Net::EmptyPort, LWP::Protocol::https, Crypt::PK::RSA, GeoIP2::Database::Reader, MooseX::Traits, Image::ExifTool, Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable, DB::Skip, Net::Ping::External, Net::DNS, Number::Bytes::Human, Class::CanBeA, Devel::StackTrace, Finance::Currency::Convert::WebserviceX, Starman, Data::Compare, LWP::UserAgent::DNS::Hosts, JSON, Proc::ProcessTable, YAML, Class::Accessor::Fast Can't locate Parse/PMFile.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Parse::PMFile module) (@INC contains: ext2/lib/perl5//x86_64-linux-gnu ext2/lib/perl5/ /opt/chimera/lib /opt/chimera/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34.1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.34.1) at ext2/lib/perl5/Menlo/CLI/Compat.pm line 2320. cannot remove path when cwd is /tmp/eEscXDAYQX/work/1656504218.49295/Net-RabbitFoot-1.03 for /tmp/eEscXDAYQX: at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.34.1/File/Temp.pm line 2643. Can't find an artifact for Data::Entropy::Algorithms => 0.007, Net::MAC => 2.103622, WWW::Mechanize => 2.09, Perl::Critic => 1.140, Timer::Milestones => 0.003, RPC::XML::Client => 1.44, PDF::API2 => 2.043, Archive::Extract => 0.88, MooseX::ClassAttribute => 0.29, Data::Structure::Util => 0.16, File::Slurper => 0.013, Business::AuthorizeNet::CIM => 0.17, Data::Censor => 0.03, Test::LWP::UserAgent => 0.036, List::MoreUtils => 0.430, Net::EPP => 0.19, Throwable => 1.000, CGI::Session => 4.48, Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509 => 0.21, Net::Traceroute => 1.15, Net::OAuth2 => 0.67, CPAN::Perl::Releases => 5.20220620, Parallel::ForkManager => 2.02, Plack => 1.0048, Number::Phone::Normalize => 0.220, XML::Feed => 0.63, Module::Pluggable => 5.2, Params::Validate::Dependencies => 1.40, Test::Differences => 0.69, DBD::mysql => 4.050, Test::Exception => 0.43, Daemon::Daemonize => 0.0052, Tie::IxHash => 1.23, Test::Deep => 1.130, SMS::AQL => 1.02, Sub::Override => 0.09, autobox => 2.86, Math::BigInt::GMP => 1.6011, Net::OAuth => 0.28, Imager => 1.018, Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 => 1.914, Devel::Cover => 1.38, Imager::File::JPEG => 0, XML::LibXML => 2.0207, Path::Class => 0.37, Plack::Middleware::Timeout => 0.09, DBIx::Class => 0.082841, Template => 3.100, MooseX::Types => 0.50, Digest::Crc32 => 0.01, Template::Plugin::Markdown => 0.02, CSS::Minifier::XS => 0.13, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA => 0.32, Sys::HostIP => 2.120, List::Util => 1.62, Redis => 1.999, HTML::Table => 0, MooseX::Attribute::Deflator => v2.2.2, DBIx::Class::QueryLog => 1.005001, MooseX::LazyRequire => 0.11, JavaScript::Minifier::XS => 0.15, Data::UUID => 1.226, Class::Mockable => 1.3001, Daemon::Control => 0.001010, Monitoring::Plugin => 0.40, XML::Simple => 2.25, Net::OpenSSH => 0.82, DBIx::Class::ColumnDefault => 0.122200, cPanel::PublicAPI => 2.8, Perl::Critic::PetPeeves::JTRAMMELL => 0.04, Test2 => 1.302190, DBIx::Class::ParameterizedJoinHack => 0.002001, ParseUtil::Domain => 2.427, Cpanel::JSON::XS => 4.30, HTML::ParseBrowser => 1.15, namespace::autoclean => 0.29, Devel::Symdump => 2.18, Scalar::Readonly => 0.03, LWP::UserAgent => 6.67, Text::CSV_XS => 1.48, Const::Fast => 0.014, App::perlbrew => 0.95, Clone => 0.45, Regexp::Common => 2017060201, PerlX::Maybe => 1.202, Text::Diff => 1.45, Hash::Merge => 0.302, Test::Number::Delta => 1.06, Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10 => 0.19, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel => 2.40, IO::Socket::SSL => 2.074, File::Find::Rule => 0.34, Net::CIDR::Set => 0.13, autovivification => 0.18, Dancer::Plugin::Database => 2.13, Net::IP => 1.26, DateTime => 1.58, Mail::SendGrid::SmtpApiHeader => 0.02, Number::Phone => 3.7003, Devel::REPL::Plugin::ModuleAutoLoader => 1.0, Class::Method::Modifiers => 2.13, Business::Tax::VAT::Validation => 1.21, Net::Graphite => 0.19, Capture::Tiny => 0.48, Term::ReadKey => 2.38, Net::Telnet => 3.05, IO::Interactive => 1.023, Test::Perl::Critic => 1.04, HTML::Strip => 2.10, Email::Simple => 2.216, Text::CSV => 2.01, Perl::Tidy => 20220613, Term::ReadLine::Perl => 1.0303, Locale::Country => 3.71, PPI => 1.274, HTML::HTML5::ToText => 0.004, Time::Fake => 0.11, Config::Simple => 4.58, Mojolicious => 9.26, Net::RabbitFoot => 1.03, Imager::File::PNG => 0, Log::Log4perl => 1.55, IO::Pty => 1.16, Date::Calc => 6.4, lib::abs => 0.95, Hash::MoreUtils => 0.06, Test::Class::Load => 0.52, DateTime::Format::DateParse => 0.05, HTML::Defang => 1.07, XML::Twig => 3.52, Redis::Namespace => 0.13, URL::Encode => 0.03, Data::Dump => 1.25, Geography::States::NoUnicodeWarnings => 0.004, Crypt::SSLeay => 0.72, Test::Class => 0.52, Path::Tiny => 0.122, Net::Ping::External => 0.15, Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable => 0.009, DB::Skip => 1.132980, Image::ExifTool => 12.42, MooseX::Traits => 0.13, Devel::StackTrace => 2.04, Class::CanBeA => 1.4, Finance::Currency::Convert::WebserviceX => 0.07001, Net::DNS => 1.34, Number::Bytes::Human => 0.11, LWP::UserAgent::DNS::Hosts => 0.14, Starman => 0.4015, Data::Compare => 1.27, Proc::ProcessTable => 0.634, YAML => 1.30, Class::Accessor::Fast => 0.51, JSON => 4.07, PerlX::Maybe::XS => 1.001, MooseX::SetOnce => 0.201, LWP::JSON::Tiny => 0.014, Auth::GoogleAuth => 1.04, Sub::Name => 0.26, PPI::HTML => 1.08, Email::MIME => 1.952, Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken => 0.03, DBI => 1.643, Plack::Middleware::XForwardedFor => 0.172050, Mozilla::CA => 20211001, Devel::Caller::IgnoreNamespaces => 1.1, MIME::Types => 2.22, Crypt::PK::RSA => 0.076, GeoIP2::Database::Reader => 2.006002, Perl::Critic::Deprecated => 1.119, Net::EmptyPort => 0, LWP::Protocol::https => 6.10, Email::Sender::Simple => 2.500, DateTime::HiRes => 0.04, String::LCSS_XS => 1.2, AnyEvent => 7.17, MIME::Decoder => 5.509, Dancer => 1.3513, AnyEvent::HTTP => 2.25, Lingua::EN::Inflect => 1.905, Archive::Zip => 1.68, URI::QueryParam => 5.10, DateTime::Format::Strptime => 1.79, XML::LibXML::Devel::SetLineNumber => 0.002, Locale::SubCountry => 2.07, Authen::Passphrase => 0.008, Net::SFTP::Foreign => 1.93, Email::Valid => 1.203, MooseX::Getopt => 0.75, Mail::Header => 2.21, Perl::Critic::Pulp => 99, String::Util => 1.32, Math::Round => 0.07, Net::Server => 2.010, DateTime::Format::MySQL => 0.0701, Excel::Writer::XLSX => 1.09, HTTP::Async => 0.33, Sub::Identify => 0.14, Net::SSLeay => 1.92, IO::Scalar => 2.113, MooseX::Role::Parameterized => 1.11, Carp::Always => 0.16, List::MoreUtils::XS => 0.430, Module::Install => 1.19, Moose => 2.2201, Browser::Open => 0.04, Sort::Naturally => 1.03, Dancer::Session::DBI => 1.002001, Test::Class::Moose => 0.99, File::ReadBackwards => 1.06, GeoIP2::Model::Country => 2.006002, Data::Printer => 1.000004, File::HomeDir => 1.006, DateTime::Format::HTTP => 0.42, JSON::MaybeXS => 1.004003, Data::Random => 0.13, Text::Trim => 1.04, Crypt::PKCS10 => 2.003, DBIx::Class::QueryLog::WithStackTrace => 1.0, Text::Sequence => 0.27, Math::Combinatorics => 0.09, Devel::Cover::Report::Clover => 1.01, DateTime::Format::ISO8601 => 0.16, Devel::REPL => 1.003029, MooseX::NonMoose => 0.26, App::Ack => 3.005000, Class::Accessor::Grouped => 0.10014, Unix::Getrusage => 0.03, SMS::MessageBird => 0.04, warnings::everywhere => 0.031 You need to run `carmel install` first to get the modules installed and artifacts built. ```

error: You need to run `carmel install` first to get the modules installed and artifacts built.

# perl -Iext2/lib/perl5/ ext2/bin/carmel install ``` ---> Installing new dependencies: Template::Plugin::Markdown, Class::Method::Modifiers, DateTime::Format::MySQL, SMS::AQL, App::perlbrew, Unix::Getrusage, File::Find::Rule, Data::Entropy::Algorithms, Net::Graphite, HTML::HTML5::ToText, Math::Round, Test::Class::Moose, Class::Mockable, IO::Interactive, MooseX::Role::Parameterized, Scalar::Readonly, WWW::Mechanize, Starman, String::Util, lib::abs, DBIx::Class, IO::Pty, Net::EPP, XML::Twig, Email::Sender::Simple, Data::Dump, DBIx::Class::QueryLog, Digest::Crc32, Template, DateTime::Format::DateParse, Capture::Tiny, Geography::States::NoUnicodeWarnings, Devel::Symdump, List::MoreUtils::XS, Devel::StackTrace, Finance::Currency::Convert::WebserviceX, ParseUtil::Domain, RPC::XML::Client, Net::RabbitFoot, Imager::File::JPEG, LWP::JSON::Tiny, Business::Tax::VAT::Validation, Locale::SubCountry, Math::BigInt::GMP, Monitoring::Plugin, Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken, URI::QueryParam, Data::Printer, IO::Scalar, CGI::Session, Sys::HostIP, Number::Bytes::Human, Net::MAC, Regexp::Common, Data::Censor, Class::Accessor::Grouped, Net::OAuth, Test::Differences, Test::Number::Delta, MooseX::ClassAttribute, DateTime::HiRes, Time::Fake, MooseX::NonMoose, Sub::Override, Data::Compare, Plack, DateTime, Term::ReadKey, List::MoreUtils, String::LCSS_XS, Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10, Dancer::Plugin::Database, Mojolicious, DBIx::Class::QueryLog::WithStackTrace, Number::Phone, Mozilla::CA, Test::Perl::Critic, PerlX::Maybe::XS, XML::LibXML, Archive::Zip, Path::Class, Moose, HTTP::Async, Dancer::Session::DBI, Timer::Milestones, Email::Valid, Auth::GoogleAuth, JSON, Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509, CSS::Minifier::XS, cPanel::PublicAPI, Text::Diff, DB::Skip, autovivification, Net::DNS, Text::CSV, Excel::Writer::XLSX, Crypt::SSLeay, MooseX::Attribute::Deflator, Imager, DateTime::Format::Strptime, Email::MIME, Test2, File::Slurper, Lingua::EN::Inflect, Hash::Merge, Parallel::ForkManager, Sub::Identify, Sub::Name, DateTime::Format::HTTP, DBIx::Class::ParameterizedJoinHack, Net::Telnet, AnyEvent, Net::OpenSSH, File::HomeDir, IO::Socket::SSL, AnyEvent::HTTP, XML::Feed, Throwable, Net::SFTP::Foreign, Perl::Critic::Pulp, Devel::Caller::IgnoreNamespaces, Locale::Country, Plack::Middleware::XForwardedFor, DateTime::Format::ISO8601, Daemon::Control, Devel::Cover, Archive::Extract, Perl::Critic::Deprecated, Data::UUID, Net::EmptyPort, warnings::everywhere, Redis, Devel::Cover::Report::Clover, Crypt::PKCS10, Module::Pluggable, Image::ExifTool, Authen::Passphrase, Tie::IxHash, HTML::Defang, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel, Net::SSLeay, Date::Calc, PerlX::Maybe, Term::ReadLine::Perl, Params::Validate::Dependencies, Log::Log4perl, Test::Deep, Text::CSV_XS, JavaScript::Minifier::XS, DBD::mysql, Text::Sequence, Crypt::OpenSSL::X509, Test::Exception, XML::LibXML::Devel::SetLineNumber, Devel::REPL::Plugin::ModuleAutoLoader, LWP::Protocol::https, MooseX::Types, YAML, Cpanel::JSON::XS, Crypt::PK::RSA, Devel::REPL, Class::Accessor::Fast, Mail::Header, GeoIP2::Model::Country, Perl::Critic::PetPeeves::JTRAMMELL, Config::Simple, Perl::Critic, XML::Simple, MooseX::LazyRequire, File::ReadBackwards, Data::Structure::Util, Net::IP, Test::LWP::UserAgent, GeoIP2::Database::Reader, Class::CanBeA, Email::Simple, Number::Phone::Normalize, LWP::UserAgent::DNS::Hosts, DBIx::Class::ColumnDefault, namespace::autoclean, Net::Ping::External, Business::AuthorizeNet::CIM, MooseX::Getopt, Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable, Redis::Namespace, PPI, Net::OAuth2, Plack::Middleware::Timeout, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, HTML::Table, Data::Random, Test::Class, Path::Tiny, List::Util, LWP::UserAgent, Module::Install, MIME::Decoder, Hash::MoreUtils, Sort::Naturally, Net::Server, Const::Fast, MIME::Types, PPI::HTML, MooseX::Traits, Proc::ProcessTable, App::Ack, Browser::Open, URL::Encode, HTML::Strip, Imager::File::PNG, Math::Combinatorics, Clone, Mail::SendGrid::SmtpApiHeader, Dancer, HTML::ParseBrowser, Daemon::Daemonize, Test::Class::Load, SMS::MessageBird, Net::CIDR::Set, Perl::Tidy, Carp::Always, PDF::API2, Text::Trim, JSON::MaybeXS, MooseX::SetOnce, Net::Traceroute, CPAN::Perl::Releases, DBI, autobox Can't locate Parse/PMFile.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Parse::PMFile module) (@INC contains: ext2/lib/perl5//x86_64-linux-gnu ext2/lib/perl5/ /opt/chimera/lib /opt/chimera/local/lib/perl5 /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.34.1 /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.34.1/x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.34.1) at ext2/lib/perl5/Menlo/CLI/Compat.pm line 2320. cannot remove path when cwd is /tmp/AcUifT7ye6/work/1656504233.49418/DBIx-Class-0.082841 for /tmp/AcUifT7ye6: at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.34.1/File/Temp.pm line 2643. Can't find an artifact for JSON => 4.07, Auth::GoogleAuth => 1.04, Email::Valid => 1.203, Timer::Milestones => 0.003, HTTP::Async => 0.33, Dancer::Session::DBI => 1.002001, Moose => 2.2201, DB::Skip => 1.132980, Text::Diff => 1.45, CSS::Minifier::XS => 0.13, cPanel::PublicAPI => 2.8, Crypt::OpenSSL::VerifyX509 => 0.21, Imager => 1.018, MooseX::Attribute::Deflator => v2.2.2, Text::CSV => 2.01, Crypt::SSLeay => 0.72, Excel::Writer::XLSX => 1.09, Net::DNS => 1.34, autovivification => 0.18, Sub::Identify => 0.14, Sub::Name => 0.26, Lingua::EN::Inflect => 1.905, Hash::Merge => 0.302, Parallel::ForkManager => 2.02, File::Slurper => 0.013, Test2 => 1.302190, Email::MIME => 1.952, DateTime::Format::Strptime => 1.79, Sub::Override => 0.09, Data::Compare => 1.27, Time::Fake => 0.11, MooseX::NonMoose => 0.26, DateTime::HiRes => 0.04, MooseX::ClassAttribute => 0.29, Test::Number::Delta => 1.06, List::MoreUtils => 0.430, String::LCSS_XS => 1.2, Term::ReadKey => 2.38, Plack => 1.0048, DateTime => 1.58, Test::Perl::Critic => 1.04, DBIx::Class::QueryLog::WithStackTrace => 1.0, Number::Phone => 3.7003, Mozilla::CA => 20211001, Mojolicious => 9.26, Dancer::Plugin::Database => 2.13, Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS10 => 0.19, Archive::Zip => 1.68, Path::Class => 0.37, XML::LibXML => 2.0207, PerlX::Maybe::XS => 1.001, ParseUtil::Domain => 2.427, Devel::StackTrace => 2.04, List::MoreUtils::XS => 0.430, Finance::Currency::Convert::WebserviceX => 0.07001, Geography::States::NoUnicodeWarnings => 0.004, Devel::Symdump => 2.18, Template => 3.100, DateTime::Format::DateParse => 0.05, Digest::Crc32 => 0.01, Capture::Tiny => 0.48, Data::Dump => 1.25, DBIx::Class::QueryLog => 1.005001, Math::BigInt::GMP => 1.6011, Locale::SubCountry => 2.07, Business::Tax::VAT::Validation => 1.21, LWP::JSON::Tiny => 0.014, Imager::File::JPEG => 0, Net::RabbitFoot => 1.03, RPC::XML::Client => 1.44, Net::MAC => 2.103622, Number::Bytes::Human => 0.11, Sys::HostIP => 2.120, IO::Scalar => 2.113, CGI::Session => 4.48, Data::Printer => 1.000004, URI::QueryParam => 5.10, Net::OpenID::Connect::IDToken => 0.03, Monitoring::Plugin => 0.40, Test::Differences => 0.69, Data::Censor => 0.03, Class::Accessor::Grouped => 0.10014, Net::OAuth => 0.28, Regexp::Common => 2017060201, File::Find::Rule => 0.34, Unix::Getrusage => 0.03, App::perlbrew => 0.95, SMS::AQL => 1.02, DateTime::Format::MySQL => 0.0701, Class::Method::Modifiers => 2.13, Template::Plugin::Markdown => 0.02, Class::Mockable => 1.3001, IO::Interactive => 1.023, Test::Class::Moose => 0.99, Math::Round => 0.07, Net::Graphite => 0.19, Data::Entropy::Algorithms => 0.007, HTML::HTML5::ToText => 0.004, DBIx::Class => 0.082841, lib::abs => 0.95, WWW::Mechanize => 2.09, Starman => 0.4015, String::Util => 1.32, MooseX::Role::Parameterized => 1.11, Scalar::Readonly => 0.03, Email::Sender::Simple => 2.500, XML::Twig => 3.52, Net::EPP => 0.19, IO::Pty => 1.16, URL::Encode => 0.03, Browser::Open => 0.04, Proc::ProcessTable => 0.634, App::Ack => 3.005000, MooseX::Traits => 0.13, PPI::HTML => 1.08, MIME::Types => 2.22, Const::Fast => 0.014, Mail::SendGrid::SmtpApiHeader => 0.02, Math::Combinatorics => 0.09, Clone => 0.45, Imager::File::PNG => 0, HTML::Strip => 2.10, PDF::API2 => 2.043, Carp::Always => 0.16, SMS::MessageBird => 0.04, Test::Class::Load => 0.52, Net::CIDR::Set => 0.13, Perl::Tidy => 20220613, HTML::ParseBrowser => 1.15, Daemon::Daemonize => 0.0052, Dancer => 1.3513, DBI => 1.643, autobox => 2.86, CPAN::Perl::Releases => 5.20220620, Net::Traceroute => 1.15, JSON::MaybeXS => 1.004003, MooseX::SetOnce => 0.201, Text::Trim => 1.04, Test::LWP::UserAgent => 0.036, GeoIP2::Database::Reader => 2.006002, Data::Structure::Util => 0.16, Net::IP => 1.26, MooseX::LazyRequire => 0.11, File::ReadBackwards => 1.06, XML::Simple => 2.25, Net::Ping::External => 0.15, namespace::autoclean => 0.29, Number::Phone::Normalize => 0.220, LWP::UserAgent::DNS::Hosts => 0.14, DBIx::Class::ColumnDefault => 0.122200, Email::Simple => 2.216, Class::CanBeA => 1.4, Test::Class => 0.52, Data::Random => 0.13, Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA => 0.32, HTML::Table => 0, PPI => 1.274, Plack::Middleware::Timeout => 0.09, Net::OAuth2 => 0.67, Redis::Namespace => 0.13, Net::DNS::Resolver::Programmable => 0.009, Business::AuthorizeNet::CIM => 0.17, MooseX::Getopt => 0.75, Sort::Naturally => 1.03, Net::Server => 2.010, Hash::MoreUtils => 0.06, Module::Install => 1.19, MIME::Decoder => 5.509, Path::Tiny => 0.122, List::Util => 1.62, LWP::UserAgent => 6.67, Log::Log4perl => 1.55, Params::Validate::Dependencies => 1.40, PerlX::Maybe => 1.202, Term::ReadLine::Perl => 1.0303, Devel::REPL::Plugin::ModuleAutoLoader => 1.0, XML::LibXML::Devel::SetLineNumber => 0.002, Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 => 1.914, Test::Exception => 0.43, DBD::mysql => 4.050, Text::Sequence => 0.27, Text::CSV_XS => 1.48, JavaScript::Minifier::XS => 0.15, Test::Deep => 1.130, Devel::REPL => 1.003029, Crypt::PK::RSA => 0.076, Class::Accessor::Fast => 0.51, YAML => 1.30, Cpanel::JSON::XS => 4.30, LWP::Protocol::https => 6.10, MooseX::Types => 0.50, Perl::Critic => 1.140, Config::Simple => 4.58, Perl::Critic::PetPeeves::JTRAMMELL => 0.04, GeoIP2::Model::Country => 2.006002, Mail::Header => 2.21, IO::Socket::SSL => 2.074, AnyEvent::HTTP => 2.25, File::HomeDir => 1.006, AnyEvent => 7.17, Net::OpenSSH => 0.82, DBIx::Class::ParameterizedJoinHack => 0.002001, Net::Telnet => 3.05, DateTime::Format::HTTP => 0.42, Plack::Middleware::XForwardedFor => 0.172050, Locale::Country => 3.71, Perl::Critic::Pulp => 99, Devel::Caller::IgnoreNamespaces => 1.1, Net::SFTP::Foreign => 1.93, Throwable => 1.000, XML::Feed => 0.63, warnings::everywhere => 0.031, Devel::Cover::Report::Clover => 1.01, Redis => 1.999, Net::EmptyPort => 0, Data::UUID => 1.226, Perl::Critic::Deprecated => 1.119, Devel::Cover => 1.38, Archive::Extract => 0.88, Daemon::Control => 0.001010, DateTime::Format::ISO8601 => 0.16, Net::SSLeay => 1.92, Date::Calc => 6.4, HTML::Defang => 1.07, Spreadsheet::WriteExcel => 2.40, Tie::IxHash => 1.23, Image::ExifTool => 12.42, Authen::Passphrase => 0.008, Module::Pluggable => 5.2, Crypt::PKCS10 => 2.003 You need to run `carmel install` first to get the modules installed and artifacts built. ```

same error: You need to run `carmel install` first to get the modules installed and artifacts built.

Can not get carmel to work =(

KES777 commented 2 years ago

When do # perl -I$PWD/ext2/lib/perl5/ ext2/bin/carmel install

Got many errors like:

! Configure failed for Net-IP-1.26. See /tmp/LdeEpQjTje/work/1656504871.49484/build.log for details.
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Net::IP' is not installed, Module 'Plack' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for Plack-Middleware-XForwardedFor-0.172050.
! Configure failed for Proc-ProcessTable-0.634. See /tmp/LdeEpQjTje/work/1656504871.49484/build.log for details.
! Configure failed for Net-Telnet-3.05. See /tmp/LdeEpQjTje/work/1656504871.49484/build.log for details.
! Configure failed for DB-Skip-1.132980. See /tmp/LdeEpQjTje/work/1656504871.49484/build.log for details.
Successfully installed JSON-4.07
! Bailing out the installation for ..
64 distributions installed
Using AnyEvent (7.17)
Using Canary::Stability (2013)
Using CPAN::Perl::Releases (5.20220620)
Using Carp::Always (0.16)
Using Geography::States::NoUnicodeWarnings (0.004)
Using Geography::States (2015072102)
Using Net::Ping::External (0.15)
Using Net::RabbitFoot (1.03)
load_file() requires a valid, readable filename at /opt/chimera/ext2/lib/perl5/Carmel/Artifact.pm line 121.

And unfortunately carmel destroys the log file:

# cat /tmp/LdeEpQjTje/work/1656504871.49484/build.log
cat: /tmp/LdeEpQjTje/work/1656504871.49484/build.log: No such file or directory
miyagawa commented 2 years ago

If I provide absolute path, then installation works.

Yep, seems to be an issue with cwd.

I figured you eventually got it working https://github.com/perl-carton/carton/issues/282 though.

Can not get carmel to work =(

This is unfortunate. Carmel has a stricter policy around module configuration and relocation after install as compared to Carton, and it seems some of your dependencies fall into that category. I'm happy to take a look if you post a full cpanfile somewhere though.

In general I strongly recommend Carmel over Carton, but Carton might be a shorter path to get working assuming your dep list is gigantic and some modules might have problems with relocations.

KES777 commented 2 years ago


miyagawa commented 2 years ago

I used your cpanfile posted in another PR, and got it working just fine, except Imager and SSLeacy which failed due to missing C libraries.

I recommend you to trim down the number of modules in cpanfile to just the ones that cause issues, and open a new issue in https://github.com/miyagawa/Carmel