miyamot0 / fxl

FXL is an R package designed to accommodate the unique features and conventions commonly used when visualizing single case data. At present, these conventions are only accommodated in spreadsheet software (thus, faux XL).
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 0 forks source link

Many tests fail on 10.6.8 Rosetta [ FAIL 32 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 78 ] #57

Open barracuda156 opened 1 year ago

barracuda156 commented 1 year ago

UPD. Native PowerPC build and tests appear good (see below).

R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21) -- "Already Tomorrow"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.8.0 (32-bit)

> library(testthat)
> library(fxl)
Loading required package: rlang

Attaching package: 'rlang'

The following objects are masked from 'package:testthat':

    is_false, is_null, is_true

Loading required package: grImport
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: XML
> test_check("fxl")
[ FAIL 32 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 78 ]

══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Failure ('test-demo-concurrentplot.R:13:5'): Concurrent Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-concurrentplot.R:13:5'): Concurrent Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mai"
── Failure ('test-demo-cumulativeplot.R:3:5'): Cumulative Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-cumulativeplot.R:3:5'): Cumulative Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Error ('test-demo-cumulativeplot_single.R:6:5'): Cumulative Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Error in `plot.new()`: figure margins too large
  1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-demo-cumulativeplot_single.R:6:4
  2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
  3. │   └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
  4. │     ├─testthat (local) .capture(...)
  5. │     │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
  6. │     └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
  7. ├─base::print(...)
  8. └─fxl::print.fxl(...)
  9.   ├─base::plot(...)
 10.   └─graphics::plot.default(...)
 11.     └─graphics::plot.new()
── Error ('test-demo-cumulativeplot_single.R:6:5'): Cumulative Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Error in `par(opar)`: invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-demo-cumulativeplot_single.R:6:4
 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
 3. │   └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
 4. │     ├─testthat (local) .capture(...)
 5. │     │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 6. │     └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
 7. ├─base::print(...)
 8. └─fxl::print.fxl(...)
 9.   └─graphics::par(opar)
── Failure ('test-demo-faplot.R:5:5'): FA Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected ``%>%`(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-faplot.R:5:5'): FA Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected ``%>%`(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Failure ('test-demo-faplotintegrity.R:13:5'): FA Plot with Integrity: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-faplotintegrity.R:13:5'): FA Plot with Integrity: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
── Failure ('test-demo-faplotintegrity_extra.R:83:5'): FA Plot with Integrity: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-faplotintegrity_extra.R:83:5'): FA Plot with Integrity: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Failure ('test-demo-image-draws.R:34:5'): Image Draw Layer: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-image-draws.R:34:5'): Image Draw Layer: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
── Failure ('test-demo-image-draws.R:127:5'): Image Draw Layer: Should render as normal without phases ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-image-draws.R:127:5'): Image Draw Layer: Should render as normal without phases ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Failure ('test-demo-image-draws.R:219:5'): Image Draw Layer: Should render as normal without facets ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-image-draws.R:219:5'): Image Draw Layer: Should render as normal without facets ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
── Failure ('test-demo-multiplebaseline_greyed.R:98:5'): MBL Greyed out Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-multiplebaseline_greyed.R:98:5'): MBL Greyed out Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Failure ('test-demo-multiplebaseline_greyed.R:303:5'): MBL Greyed out Plot Style: Should specific to facet ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-multiplebaseline_greyed.R:303:5'): MBL Greyed out Plot Style: Should specific to facet ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
── Failure ('test-demo-multiplebaselineplot.R:5:5'): MBL Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-multiplebaselineplot.R:5:5'): MBL Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Failure ('test-demo-semilogplot.R:28:5'): Semi Log Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-semilogplot.R:28:5'): Semi Log Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
── Failure ('test-demo-semilogplot_multi.R:131:5'): Semi Log Plot Style-Multiplanel: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-semilogplot_multi.R:131:5'): Semi Log Plot Style-Multiplanel: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
── Failure ('test-demo-silvermanplot.R:12:5'): Silverman Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `plot.new()`:
  ! figure margins too large
── Failure ('test-demo-silvermanplot.R:12:5'): Silverman Plot Style: Should render as normal ──
Expected `print(...)` to run without any errors.
i Actually got a <simpleError>:
  Error in `par()`:
  ! invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
── Error ('test-element-scr_xoverride.R:3:5'): scr_xoverride: Should render as normal ──
Error in `par(opar)`: invalid value specified for graphical parameter "fig"
 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-element-scr_xoverride.R:3:4
 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
 3. │   └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
 4. │     ├─testthat (local) .capture(...)
 5. │     │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 6. │     └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
 7. ├─base::print(...)
 8. └─fxl::print.fxl(...)
 9.   └─graphics::par(opar)
── Error ('test-element-scr_yoverride.R:3:5'): scr_yoverride: Should render as normal ──
Error in `par(opar)`: invalid value specified for graphical parameter "mar"
 1. ├─testthat::expect_error(...) at test-element-scr_yoverride.R:3:4
 2. │ └─testthat:::expect_condition_matching(...)
 3. │   └─testthat:::quasi_capture(...)
 4. │     ├─testthat (local) .capture(...)
 5. │     │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...)
 6. │     └─rlang::eval_bare(quo_get_expr(.quo), quo_get_env(.quo))
 7. ├─base::print(...)
 8. └─fxl::print.fxl(...)
 9.   └─graphics::par(opar)

[ FAIL 32 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 78 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted

P. S. figure margins too large is a known error (though its cause is unknown to me), so not specific to the package.

miyamot0 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I think know what this is. Part of the craziness with supporting annotations across subplots is factoring in padding/margins so that the right coordinates can be inferred. IIRC, R will bug out if certain fonts do not fit within those margins and I don't know if I can pre-specify a specific font.

Can you share some details? Was this a straight up stock run?

barracuda156 commented 1 year ago

@miyamot0 I ran a version from CRAN, but I have just tried from the latest commit, and results are identical. (No patches were applied to the source, if that is what you mean.)

(These were in Rosetta; let me try on a native PowerPC machine, but normally they are identical in terms of failures.)

barracuda156 commented 1 year ago

@miyamot0 Ha, no errors on PowerPC system! Rosetta errors are not worth wasting time on, to be honest. But I wonder what goes wrong on it. (PPC machine has a slightly newer GCC, 12.3.0, but this unlikely to matter here.)

barracuda156 commented 1 year ago
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: powerpc-apple-darwin10.0.0d2 (32-bit)

> library(testthat)
> library(fxl)
Loading required package: rlang

Attaching package: 'rlang'

The following objects are masked from 'package:testthat':

    is_false, is_null, is_true

Loading required package: grImport
Loading required package: grid
Loading required package: XML
> test_check("fxl")
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 81 ]
> #
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
 57.752   7.619  66.346 

UPD. Hmm, why total number of tests differs? 81 pass here (0 everything else), 78 pass + 32 failures on Rosetta.

miyamot0 commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I think I may have written tests poorly (still new to unit testing in R). I'll dig into this if there may be a concurrency issue. In my experience, variability between tests is usually my fault.

Thanks for the follow-up -- much appreciated!

barracuda156 commented 1 year ago

@miyamot0 Thank you very much!