miyamotononno / gs_hackathon_2024

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Hi Teki, Could you fix backend/main.py to run the backend? #7

Open miyamotononno opened 1 month ago

miyamotononno commented 1 month ago

@Teki28 could you fix backend/main.py to run backend api? I think Constants module and github package are missing

When you have time, could you also add the parameters such as JIRA_USER_NAME to .env.sample instead of using Constants and let backend/settings.py load those environment parameters?

miyamotononno commented 1 month ago

We cannot run get_code_changes method unless we know your secret params, but I think it is fine at this moment.

Teki28 commented 1 month ago

Hi solve constant issue in this pr https://github.com/miyamotononno/gs_hackathon_2024/pull/8 get_code_changes should be good, it doesn't need any secret key. for jira api, let me send api key in our group chat since github doesn't allow uploading api key. you can add it locally for testing,

Teki28 commented 1 month ago

actually this is jira api key: ATATT3xFfGF0Jn0-elYSMv2Ze7lXv8dZC1HGzsEZhSS1rJqQ9YMfdxOE28XbgGffeS9qlyOuhKm2ztfV9dywxfYK5a_K_b2JKMwCxZdzCm0eKYUKtMo-7Ren6cpyFchhfdDSJotqIE2Su5raVNcOLQ1G367uGdeBnBsdwApWlq2YcW2Aj9CYHls=B6F006DC

miyamotononno commented 1 month ago


v1kb4t commented 1 month ago

nishimura-san's google api key: AIzaSyD_f0uRQtaJGNsXTAQlMPMov3I8yXQ2HE0