miyyer / dan

Deep Averaging Networks
MIT License
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QA code to be released? #2

Closed svenwoldt closed 8 years ago

svenwoldt commented 8 years ago

Hey there,

I was wondering you mention in your repo that code for question-answering would be showcased soon, are you still planning to do so with DAN?

I would like to integrate DAN into NAO (Aldebarans humanoid robot) for a research project on robot interactions and was wondering if I could collaborate with you on DAN this way.

miyyer commented 8 years ago

hey, sorry forgot about this. we actually released a QA version of the DAN as part of our quiz bowl system code here: https://github.com/Pinafore/qb/blob/master/guesser/dan.py

thanks for bringing this up! feel free to email me if you have specific questions about how you can use the code.