mizma / ergoSHIFT

11 button leverless controller with shifted home position
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Figure out what to do with Firmware #2

Closed mizma closed 3 months ago

mizma commented 8 months ago

merge to mainstream? upload build here? what to do...

mizma commented 8 months ago

commited config file for GP2040-CE and a .uf2 file. sent PR to mainstream and waiting review.

mizma commented 8 months ago

Fix following concerns and resubmit for re-review.

Hi @mizma , thank you for the PR on this.

My general feedback from looking at your repo: 1 - There are parts of the repo listed as design not verified. This has traditionally lead to issues as people may make boards that could have issues. For this we would want to wait until the design is solidified, tested and ready for anyone to pickup and make. 2 - It requires the use of JFA SBM parts (keycaps and aux keys). Ideally there would be a 3D printed alternative to this. SBM parts can be quite expensive to get in some places. 3 - General concerns around this line You may need to adjust the rotation, placement of some parts in CPL, check before you order. It should look like the following.. If the CPL files are not lining up for services like JLC it will need to be fixed. This will lead to people not getting working boards or boards that could be missing parts.

Once these main concerns are addressed we can take a look at including the board. We have an expectation that you will be active in the community if included and offer support for people that have questions about it.

mizma commented 8 months ago

1 - remaining: southpaw build check, 3D print caps check, 2mm layer 1 acrylic check. all other portions (PCB and parts implementation, PCB assembly ordering data and acrylic ordering data) are verified. added international parts sourcing information for most internationally available parts. 2 - 3D printable button caps designed. waiting for actual print to finish and get verified. 3 - Double-checked Gerber+BOM+CPL and they will work out of the box at present. keeping a heads up for future though, since parts shortage or parts design revision can break the design in the future and would like people to notice and ask for help if necessary

mizma commented 7 months ago

Gerber is OK. 3D print caps going through another round of iteration. will print sometime later. 2mm acrylic layer 1 confirmed (built and tested) Southpaw build check complete.


mizma commented 3 months ago

new 3D printed button cap design now ordered for MJF print. will be confirmed after print is done.

mizma commented 3 months ago

3D printed caps came out in perfect size.

mizma commented 3 months ago

also, documentation added for how to solder OLED.

all initial concerns should be fixed (current gerber files and PCBA files work on JLCPCB website with correct placement)

Closing issue as done