mizzao / meteor-sharejs

Meteor smart package for transparently adding ShareJS editors to an app
MIT License
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Trouble on Android #59

Closed edemaine closed 8 years ago

edemaine commented 8 years ago

Typing has some issues on Android. I just tried the demo http://documents.meteor.com/ on Android 5.1.1 (Chrome and the built-in web browser), and observed the following:

I get the same behavior in my own app using meteor-sharejs with Ace editor.

At least it's functional, typing individual characters on a Samsung keyboard, but it's annoying to force users into this. Perhaps this could be fixed?

DavidSichau commented 8 years ago

Can you try out the newest version, there ace was updated to the newest version and the internal handling of the events were rewritten.

edemaine commented 8 years ago

I just tried it out (thanks for the update!). Alas, the same issue seems to be present. My guess is that it's somehow related to the way that each keystroke gets translated into an eventual, but not immediate, change to the text widget...

(I'm now testing on my own project; documents.meteor.com points to documents.meteorapp.com points to sharejs.meteorapp.com which isn't up.)

DavidSichau commented 8 years ago

This seems to be a problem related to ace. I tried out the kitchen sink with Android 5 and several keys do not work as expected:

https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/1671 https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2185

edemaine commented 8 years ago

Oops, I thought I tested this, but it seems indeed the kitchen sink demo is similarly broken. I didn't see any issues related to backspaces, so added this: https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2964

mizzao commented 8 years ago

Hey @DavidSichau - I have some free Galaxy hosting for Meteor demos, how would you like to go about getting the demo app hosted and updated as you get new versions? I can certainly post the demo to sharejs.meteorapp.com as a start.

@edemaine - wow, I did not realize you were that Erik Demaine :)

DavidSichau commented 8 years ago

@mizzao That would be great.

DavidSichau commented 8 years ago

@edemaine Code Mirror works on my Android 5.0 so this might be an alternative to ace.

edemaine commented 8 years ago

That is great news; I will try switching over to Code Mirror! (Android support ought to be mentioned in the many Ace vs. Code Mirror comparisons I read... oh well.)

By the way, are we supposed to be switching from mizzao: to davidsichau: for these packages? Docs seem to have changed (but it also says it's a fork of itself :-)).

mizzao commented 8 years ago

Hey @DavidSichau, are you publishing as mizzao:... or davidsichau:... now? I added you to mizzao:... repos for the sake of continuity.

DavidSichau commented 8 years ago

Sorry The last merge went wrong. I included stuff from the fork, but I only wanted to update the Readme. I reverted the changes.

I will continue to publish it as mizzao::

Sorry for the confusion.