mjaakkol / bme680_esp_idf

BME680 software build on top of ESP-IDF 4.0 generation and Bosch BSEC stack
MIT License
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Issue in build the Repo. [needed by 'bme680_esp.elf', missing and no known rule to make it] #2

Closed horsemann07 closed 3 years ago

horsemann07 commented 3 years ago

Hello @mjaakkol

I m trying to run your repo on esp-idf 4.2, I make the changes in the CMake file which is in the bm680 folder as per your instruction. When I m building, it shows some error

Error: -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/horsemann/Desktop/WorkSpace/esp-version-4.2/esp-idf/examples/BME680/build Running ninja in directory /home/horsemann/Desktop/WorkSpace/esp-version-4.2/esp-idf/examples/BME680/build Executing "ninja all"... ninja: error: '../bme680/algo/normal_version/bin/esp32/libalgobsec.a', needed by 'bme680_esp.elf', missing and no known rule to make it ninja failed with exit code 1

Can you help me with this? Thanks in advance.

mjaakkol commented 3 years ago

It looks like CMake is not finding the library file. Are you sure that the directory hierarchy under BME680 folder is in format algo/normal_version/bin/esp32/libalgobsec.a?

horsemann07 commented 3 years ago

Hello @mjaakkol Thanks for the fast reply.

No. the format is /algo/normal_version/bin/esp/esp32/libalgobsec.a which I changed now in cmake files.

Now the issue is gone. Thank you for the help.