mjackson / unpkg

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Unpkg CDN down ? #384

Open rdksgit opened 5 months ago

rdksgit commented 5 months ago

Unable to load any cdn files for vue and primevue, anyone else having the same issue ?

junraemon commented 5 months ago

I experienced the same. The package I used from unpkg shows error 520

KevDev99 commented 5 months ago

same here

erkkki commented 5 months ago


junraemon commented 5 months ago

My temporary solution is to use jsdelivr, You may find the package you used there and switch.

KimtaeBeom2 commented 5 months ago


maxxer commented 5 months ago

Stop spamming with same and use +1 instead, and leave comments for RELEVANT UPDATES

leonidhammer commented 5 months ago

the previous post from 2nd of april already mentioned it. I switched to cdnjs swiper like he mentioned and worked like a charm.

drakejin commented 5 months ago

it fixed!

maxxer commented 5 months ago

the previous post from 2nd of april already mentioned it. I switched to cdnjs swiper like he mentioned and worked like a charm.

What post?

dpangier commented 5 months ago

I've raised an issue on our internal JIRA - "why the hell are we using external unreliable dependencies, move internal"

ivanblinov2k17 commented 5 months ago

Hi all, can't load https://unpkg.com/rxjs@7.5.3/

goktugerol-dev commented 5 months ago

Can't load: https://unpkg.com/@webpixels/css@1.1.5/ It was working perfectly fine...

Kaspik commented 5 months ago

CDN is down.

senzacionale commented 5 months ago

Will come back again or is permanent?

goktugerol-dev commented 5 months ago

Any way of using styles locally, like Boostrap? This is a very critical issue that affects everything in production basically...

JamesAngier commented 5 months ago

changed to jsdelivr. goodbye!

jimaek commented 5 months ago

Consider switching to a production focused CDN https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/react@18/umd/react.production.min.js

Tool for easy conversion https://www.jsdelivr.com/unpkg

480 commented 5 months ago

Incomplete but quick fix

https://unpkg.com/ -> https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/

Complete fix

Use https://www.jsdelivr.com/unpkg with the unpkg URL you're using to get the result.

bonviesinfo commented 5 months ago


error 520 when using babel: https://unpkg.com/@babel/standalone/babel.min.js

switching to jsdelivr is ok

480 commented 5 months ago

Seems to be happening on some but not all files.

example: Full version omitted: https://unpkg.com/vue@3/dist/vue.global.prod.js -> Error. Full version stated: https://unpkg.com/vue@3.4.21/dist/vue.global.js -> OK.

FoxMcCloud45 commented 5 months ago

Some JavaScript files are served as text/html which causes them to fail (e.g. Ruffle's Website Package).

EDIT: Well, they're text/html because they're HTTP 520.

EDIT2: jsDelivr works, although the Ruffle project still relies on Unpkg officially.

leonidhammer commented 5 months ago

the previous post from 2nd of april already mentioned it. I switched to cdnjs swiper like he mentioned and worked like a charm.

What post?

this one

wellington1993 commented 5 months ago

In my case, the unpkg.com still responding HTTP 520 Status errors. I temporary fixed changing this URL: https://unpkg.com/loadjs@latest/dist/loadjs.min.js To that URL: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/loadjs/4.3.0/loadjs.min.js

Leif-Frederiksen commented 5 months ago

It works for me again now.

andresz1 commented 5 months ago

It's working now