mjbrownie / vim-htmldjango_omnicomplete

htmldjango filetype omnicomplete - completes template tags/filters/variables
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python3 #8

Open Shtucer opened 8 years ago

Shtucer commented 8 years ago

Hi. I've just made little improvement for python 3 support. In theory you can choose between py2 or py3 by let g:htmldjangocomplete_python=3, but I can't test it with Py2. Thanks for your amazing plugin!

mjbrownie commented 8 years ago

This is great! thanks. I hadn't looked in to py3 compatibility out of concern it would be too hard. If possible can you outline your vim setup (version/ os / compilation / install method etc. ) so everyone knows what its been tested on and we can look at getting it in the main branch.

Shtucer commented 8 years ago

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Nov 4 2013 18:26:53) MS-Windows 64-bit GUI version with OLE support Included patches: 1-68 Compiled by Shtucer Big version with GUI. Features included (+) or not (-): +acl +ex_extra +multi_byte_ime/dyn +tag_old_static +arabic +extra_search +multi_lang -tag_any_white +autocmd +farsi -mzscheme -tcl +balloon_eval +file_in_path +netbeans_intg -tgetent +browse +find_in_path +ole -termresponse ++builtin_terms +float +path_extra +textobjects +byte_offset +folding -perl +title +cindent -footer +persistent_undo +toolbar +clientserver +gettext/dyn -postscript +user_commands +clipboard -hangul_input +printer +vertsplit +cmdline_compl +iconv/dyn -profile +virtualedit +cmdline_hist +insert_expand +python/dyn +visual +cmdline_info +jumplist +python3/dyn +visualextra +comments +keymap +quickfix +viminfo +conceal +langmap +reltime +vreplace +cryptv +libcall +rightleft +wildignore +cscope +linebreak -ruby +wildmenu +cursorbind +lispindent +scrollbind +windows +cursorshape +listcmds +signs +writebackup +dialog_con_gui +localmap +smartindent -xfontset +diff -lua -sniff -xim +digraphs +menu +startuptime -xterm_save -dnd +mksession +statusline +xpm_w32 -ebcdic +modify_fname -sun_workshop +emacs_tags +mouse +syntax +eval +mouseshape +tag_binary

OS: Windows 7 x64 Vim too old but I am so lazy for compile it again. As you can see it have both versions of python, but used only py3 with jedi-vim. Tomorrow I'll test plugin on MacVim.