mjemmeson / Date-Holidays-GB

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Release as a GH pages apt repo #14

Open peternewman opened 3 years ago

peternewman commented 3 years ago

Previous todo ported from https://github.com/mjemmeson/Date-Holidays-GB/pull/11

Still todo:

This can be installed by adding the following to your sources.list or sources.list.d: deb http://peternewman.github.io/Date-Holidays-GB/repo/ main main

With the public key added via: wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peternewman/Date-Holidays-GB/gh-pages/public.key | sudo apt-key add -

peternewman commented 2 years ago

The README is now being copied across. This is probably almost the MVP!

I assume you wouldn't want the main readme shipped to CPAN including the details of the Deb repo, so we probably need some sort of sed based tweaking of the GH pages one to mention the apt repo. Although that might be a bit chicken and egg. If it's not mentioned in the main readme and only on GitHub pages, will people actually know it exists to use it?

Although I realise it's mostly just for my personal benefit!

peternewman commented 1 year ago

The latest release/build has lost the package description for some reason: https://github.com/peternewman/Date-Holidays-GB/commit/5f33bfbdb8c61e460d306340989ba47c861f649f#diff-6103444e33ae06651974e85959e9ac671742a1c54cf3f02cc8ac1e226211bbefL16-L29

But nothing appears to have changed locally so possibly something upstream...

peternewman commented 1 year ago

The latest release/build has lost the package description for some reason: peternewman@5f33bfb#diff-6103444e33ae06651974e85959e9ac671742a1c54cf3f02cc8ac1e226211bbefL16-L29

But nothing appears to have changed locally so possibly something upstream...

Looks like it used to take the description from the readme: https://github.com/mjemmeson/Date-Holidays-GB#description

Presumably it's only looking in the JSON now: https://github.com/mjemmeson/Date-Holidays-GB/blob/master/META.json

Seems it actually broke here: https://github.com/peternewman/Date-Holidays-GB/compare/peternewman:Date-Holidays-GB:da9ae52c86cb0c33f84e699a70ba503383677eb3...710f8862d1d4f39eed3a2fa1d9bb886013685251

Date-Holidays-GB Broken Description.txt Date-Holidays-GB Working Description.txt

peternewman commented 1 year ago

Hi @mjemmeson ,

This seems to have just worked for the last few releases by me updating my repo. Do you have any thoughts on the queries above? Particularly regards whether signposting just goes in the GH Pages README, or in the main one shipped via CPAN too.

I can switch to building by tag (and probably with a manual option too), just before its merged.

peternewman commented 5 months ago

Presumably it's only looking in the JSON now: https://github.com/mjemmeson/Date-Holidays-GB/blob/master/META.json

Spec for that is here: https://metacpan.org/pod/CPAN::Meta::Spec#description