mjesuele / gemini-api-node

Node.js client for the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange API
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Is this not usable with expo and react-native? #12

Open Ashmawy opened 5 years ago

Ashmawy commented 5 years ago

I guess the package relies on the Node standard library which neither expo nor react-native include. Is there any way around this?

I'm new to the node world in general so any help would be appreciated.

mjesuele commented 4 years ago

Not sure. I haven't looked at this package in a while but just recently decided to refurbish it. I'm working on this branch and expect to be done in the next few days: https://github.com/mjesuele/gemini-api-node/tree/mj/modernize-with-typescript.

I can look into what it would take to run this outside of node, particularly in the browser (I don't use React Native, but I think if it works in the browser it should probably work there, yeah?). The encryption stuff for the private API is likely the biggest hurdle. We'll see.