mjg-foundation / passport2-monero

v2.x.x series of firmware for Passport, rebuilt for monero
29 stars 3 forks source link

Export Private View Key #17

Open mjg-foundation opened 1 year ago

mjg-foundation commented 1 year ago

We need to export the private view key from passport in order to connect with mobile wallets. If the public key is needed to generate new addresses, it should be exported as well. Really, this needs to export all relevant data to the watch-only wallet to receive and build transactions.

Edit: User should be given the option to export via UR and the option to export via microSD.

mjg-foundation commented 8 months ago

I'll add 2 XMR to this. It's not a big task itself but I would like someone to knock out #4 to unlock this and probably claim it as well.