mjg-foundation / passport2-monero

v2.x.x series of firmware for Passport, rebuilt for monero
29 stars 3 forks source link

Multisig Support #7

Open mjg-foundation opened 1 year ago

mjg-foundation commented 1 year ago

Add multisig support to:

Bounty: 1 XMR

rbrunner7 commented 1 year ago

Monero multisig is surprisingly complex. You can get an idea if you read the manual for the system I implemented to make it a bit easier to handle, here: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/multisig-messaging-system.html

None of the "consumer friendly" Monero wallets that you could pair with supports multisig. Not Cake Wallet, nor Monerujo; the Monero project CLI wallet is currently the only wallet that offers full support.

IMHO this is most probably out of reach for this project.

kayabaNerve commented 1 year ago

I opened this issue to shill how monero-serai offers a O(n) 2-round multisig, and note how difficult integrating wallet2's implementation or writing a unique implementation would be. Seems like rbrunner already did the latter for me :sweat_smile: