mjhajharia / transforms

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Transforms for complex manifolds #34

Open sethaxen opened 2 years ago

sethaxen commented 2 years ago

A few of the manifolds we have (the sphere, symmetric positive definite matrices, and Stiefel manifold) have straightforward complex analogs that appear in statistical applications, and the transforms for these manifolds can be generalized to map to these complex spaces with likely very little additional effort. I suggest we do so for completeness since Stan now has complex number support.

Since I've been working on these manifolds, I would take care of this generalization, but before putting in the effort, I want to confirm if others think this could be within the scope of the paper.

A few notes:

bob-carpenter commented 2 years ago

That sounds super cool. I think we'll have enough in this paper without the complex cases, but I'm amenable to adding them with one caveat: that we do it after we have an end to end draft of the paper that only discusses the simplex case. I want to treat this paper like agile software development and build up from a minimally working example that establishes notation and evaluation scheme. Otherwise, I fear adding more math in everyone's individual notations will make it impossible to finish the paper.

sethaxen commented 2 years ago

I'm amenable to adding them with one caveat: that we do it after we have an end to end draft of the paper that only discusses the simplex case.


I want to treat this paper like agile software development and build up from a minimally working example that establishes notation and evaluation scheme. Otherwise, I fear adding more math in everyone's individual notations will make it impossible to finish the paper.

Oops! I've been collecting a lot of transforms and determinants. I can pause for now.

spinkney commented 2 years ago

This paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.07685 has the construction random correlation matrices for complex and quaternion entries. As well as the hyperspherical stuff