mjhoffmeister / Hydra.NET

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Add Quickstart to README #3

Closed lambdakris closed 3 years ago

lambdakris commented 3 years ago

Hi @mjhoffmeister,

I worked out a Quickstart section for the README that walks the user step by step on how to create a minimal but fully functioning ASP.NET Core Hydra Web API. The Quickstart does reference JsonLd.Entities as well as Newtonsoft.Json, but it does so superficially, without altering/interfering with Hydra.NET's use of System.Text.Json. I also have sample code of the resulting project which I will create a separate PR for. I also couldn't keep from making a few verbiage changes to clarify between Hydra/Hydra.NET types and concepts and general language and framework types and concepts. Hopefully it's not too much, but give it a look and let me know what you think.


lambdakris commented 3 years ago

Actually, re-reading your overall comment, specifically "Perhaps using the Hydra terms with Hydra stylizations would be best?" did you mean - Hydra Collection, Hydra Operation, etc.. And would SupportedClass also fall under this naming consideration? Reviewing http://www.hydra-cg.com/spec/latest/core/#classes it looks like it's just Class (although thinking about it I suppose this might be a bit of a pain to use with C#...maybe preprending Hydra .NET types/classes/attributes with Hydra is something to consider aswell?)

lambdakris commented 3 years ago

@mjhoffmeister got a couple of updates: 1 - Updated the Reference section titles 2 - Created a repo for examples: https://github.com/lambdakris/Hydra.NET.Examples 3 - Added a link to Hydra.NET.Examples at the beginning of the Quickstart section

Take a look and let me know what you think!