mjhugo / grails-build-info

Provides a Grails controller/view that display basic information about a deployed WAR file
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Build info properties are not being shown #13

Closed kapoormanish closed 8 years ago

kapoormanish commented 8 years ago

Build info properties are not being shown, however Runtime application status and Installed Plugins are being shown(see attached screenshot). I need to see the date/time the war file was built and Git Revision Number. I did following to integrate the plugin in my grails 2.5.1 application:

  1. Added compile "org.grails.plugins:build-info:1.2.8" in BuildConfig.groovy.
  2. Added below line in Config.groovy to secure the url for only APP_ADMIN: '/buildInfo/**' : ['hasRole("APP_ADMIN")']

Am I missing something? build info

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago

Can you take a look at WEB-INF/classes/application.properties in the generated war file?

unzip -p target/myapp-0.1.war WEB-INF/classes/application.properties

Does it contain properties scm.version and build.date?

kapoormanish commented 8 years ago

@rlovtangen I just found that It works when I create the war file and deploy it in Tomcat. However, it does not work when I run application locally by grails run-app.

rlovtangen commented 8 years ago


kapoormanish commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the quick response.