mjhugo / grails-build-info

Provides a Grails controller/view that display basic information about a deployed WAR file
8 stars 14 forks source link

Usage question #2

Open joergrech opened 12 years ago

joergrech commented 12 years ago

Hi, I'm not 100% sure how to use the plugin. The view only shows Grails Environment, App version, Grails version, and JVM Version but not build number or SVN_REVISION, GIT_COMMIT, GIT_BRANCH. My project is versioned with Git (GitHub) and should at least show the GIT info, or? Does this only work with Hudson/Jenkins (I do not use this)?

Btw. you should mention the concrete controller/view (/buildInfo) in the description and/or Readme - I only found this info on the screenshot.

aaronzirbes commented 12 years ago

Jenkins/Hudson injects this information into the build environment and the plugin pulls that information in from the build environment if available. That's why the SVN/GIT info is not available when built by hand.

If you want to extend the plugin... It might be possible to get SVN info through the svn plugin if it's installed, but that's speculation. It also might be possible to get Git info via some sort of git Jar API.