mjhydri / BeatNet

BeatNet is state-of-the-art (Real-Time) and Offline joint music beat, downbeat, tempo, and meter tracking system using CRNN and particle filtering. (ISMIR 2021's paper implementation).
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Restrictive Numba dependency makes Numpy type hints non-descriptive #11

Closed mat100payette closed 2 years ago

mat100payette commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible now to update the dependency of Numba to a later version that supports numpy 1.23? Without it, type hints of ndarray is limited to just that, ndarray, when IDEs infer variable types. The later versions allow inferring ndarray[shape, type] such as ndarray[(Any, 3), float] which is very useful for code readability.

I'm aware of the restriction from librosa that was commented back in 2021, so just wondering if theit misleading (fake) support was fixed?

Feel free to close this if it's still not possible. Thanks.

mjhydri commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much, @mat100payette for pointing out this! I am aware that the newer numpy has several cool features that can be handy for both development and debugging. However, as you mentioned correctly, the versions of some of the dependencies are limited by some other dependencies. There are a few libraries like that and Librosa is one of them. In the case of Librosa, its used functionalities can be switched with some alternatives. Yet, more work needs to be done to make sure that none of the libraries have version conflicts with numpy 1.23.