mjkwon2021 / CAT-Net

Official code for CAT-Net: Compression Artifact Tracing Network. Image manipulation detection and localization.
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Pretraining DCT #26

Open raquelroman opened 2 years ago

raquelroman commented 2 years ago


Thank you for the code. I was trying to understand how you do the pretraining step using only the DCT stream. You say in the paper that you use data from Park et al. containing single a double compressed images. Regarding pretraining I have a couple of doubts that I hope you can help me understand:

Thank you.

CauchyComplete commented 2 years ago

Hi, This repo contains main training (segmentation) and not double JPEG pretraining (classification). I worked on another repo for classification but I just copy-pasted a double JPEG dataset here. I now noticed that dataset_djpeg inherits AbstractDataset in this repo. Thank you for pointing it out. The classification dataset should inherit a different AbstractDataset. I'll attach it below. And you should not pad to 512x512. Just use 256x256 as-is and train for binary classification.

class AbstractDataset(ABC):
    YCbCr2RGB = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1.402], [1, -0.34414, -.71414], [1, 1.772, 0]], dtype=torch.float64)

    def __init__(self, crop_size, grid_crop: bool, blocks: list, DCT_channels=3):
        :param crop_size: (H, W) or None. H and W must be the multiple of 8 if grid_crop==True.
        :param grid_crop: T: crop within 8x8 grid. F: crop anywhere.
        :param blocks: 'RGB', 'rawRGB', 'DCTcoef', 'DCTvol, 'qtable'
        self._crop_size = crop_size
        self._grid_crop = grid_crop
        for block in blocks:
            assert block in ['RGB', 'rawRGB', 'DCTcoef', 'DCTvol', 'qtable']
        if 'DCTcoef' in blocks or 'DCTvol' in blocks or 'rawRGB' in blocks:
            assert grid_crop
        if grid_crop and crop_size is not None:
            assert crop_size[0] % 8 == 0 and crop_size[1] % 8 == 0
        self._blocks = blocks
        self.tamp_list = None
        self.DCT_channels = DCT_channels

    def _get_jpeg_info(self, im_path):
        :param im_path: JPEG image path
        :return: DCT_coef (Y,Cb,Cr), qtables (Y,Cb,Cr)
        num_channels = self.DCT_channels
        jpeg = jpegio.read(str(im_path))

        # determine which axes to up-sample
        ci = jpeg.comp_info
        need_scale = [[ci[i].v_samp_factor, ci[i].h_samp_factor] for i in range(num_channels)]
        if num_channels == 3:
            if ci[0].v_samp_factor == ci[1].v_samp_factor == ci[2].v_samp_factor:
                need_scale[0][0] = need_scale[1][0] = need_scale[2][0] = 2
            if ci[0].h_samp_factor == ci[1].h_samp_factor == ci[2].h_samp_factor:
                need_scale[0][1] = need_scale[1][1] = need_scale[2][1] = 2
            need_scale[0][0] = 2
            need_scale[0][1] = 2

        # up-sample DCT coefficients to match image size
        DCT_coef = []
        for i in range(num_channels):
            r, c = jpeg.coef_arrays[i].shape
            coef_view = jpeg.coef_arrays[i].reshape(r//8, 8, c//8, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
            # case 1: row scale (O) and col scale (O)
            if need_scale[i][0]==1 and need_scale[i][1]==1:
                out_arr = np.zeros((r * 2, c * 2))
                out_view = out_arr.reshape(r * 2 // 8, 8, c * 2 // 8, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
                out_view[::2, ::2, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]
                out_view[1::2, ::2, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]
                out_view[::2, 1::2, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]
                out_view[1::2, 1::2, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]

            # case 2: row scale (O) and col scale (X)
            elif need_scale[i][0]==1 and need_scale[i][1]==2:
                out_arr = np.zeros((r * 2, c))
                out_view = out_arr.reshape(r*2//8, 8, c // 8, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
                out_view[::2, :, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]
                out_view[1::2, :, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]

            # case 3: row scale (X) and col scale (O)
            elif need_scale[i][0]==2 and need_scale[i][1]==1:
                out_arr = np.zeros((r, c * 2))
                out_view = out_arr.reshape(r // 8, 8, c * 2 // 8, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
                out_view[:, ::2, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]
                out_view[:, 1::2, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]

            # case 4: row scale (X) and col scale (X)
            elif need_scale[i][0]==2 and need_scale[i][1]==2:
                out_arr = np.zeros((r, c))
                out_view = out_arr.reshape(r // 8, 8, c // 8, 8).transpose(0, 2, 1, 3)
                out_view[:, :, :, :] = coef_view[:, :, :, :]

                raise KeyError("Something wrong here.")


        # quantization tables
        qtables = [jpeg.quant_tables[ci[i].quant_tbl_no].astype(np.float) for i in range(num_channels)]

        return DCT_coef, qtables

    def _create_tensor(self, im_path, label):
        ignore_index = -1
        img_RGB = np.array(Image.open(im_path).convert("RGB"))
        h, w = img_RGB.shape[0], img_RGB.shape[1]

        if 'DCTcoef' in self._blocks or 'DCTvol' in self._blocks or 'rawRGB' in self._blocks or 'qtable' in self._blocks:
            DCT_coef, qtables = self._get_jpeg_info(im_path)

        if self._crop_size is None and self._grid_crop:
            crop_size = (-(-h//8) * 8, -(-w//8) * 8)  # smallest 8x8 grid crop that contains image
        elif self._crop_size is None and not self._grid_crop:
            crop_size = None  # use entire image! no crop, no pad, no DCTcoef or rawRGB
            crop_size = self._crop_size

        if crop_size is not None:
            # Pad if crop_size is larger than image size
            if h < crop_size[0] or w < crop_size[1]:
                # pad img_RGB
                temp = np.full((max(h, crop_size[0]), max(w, crop_size[1]), 3), 127.5)
                temp[:img_RGB.shape[0], :img_RGB.shape[1], :] = img_RGB
                img_RGB = temp

                # pad DCT_coef
                if 'DCTcoef' in self._blocks or 'DCTvol' in self._blocks or 'rawRGB' in self._blocks:
                    max_h = max(crop_size[0], max([DCT_coef[c].shape[0] for c in range(self.DCT_channels)]))
                    max_w = max(crop_size[1], max([DCT_coef[c].shape[1] for c in range(self.DCT_channels)]))
                    for i in range(self.DCT_channels):
                        temp = np.full((max_h, max_w), 0.0)  # pad with 0
                        temp[:DCT_coef[i].shape[0], :DCT_coef[i].shape[1]] = DCT_coef[i][:, :]
                        DCT_coef[i] = temp

            # Determine where to crop
            if self._grid_crop:
                s_r = (random.randint(0, max(h - crop_size[0], 0)) // 8) * 8
                s_c = (random.randint(0, max(w - crop_size[1], 0)) // 8) * 8
                s_r = random.randint(0, max(h - crop_size[0], 0))
                s_c = random.randint(0, max(w - crop_size[1], 0))

            # crop img_RGB
            img_RGB = img_RGB[s_r:s_r+crop_size[0], s_c:s_c+crop_size[1], :]

            # crop DCT_coef
            if 'DCTcoef' in self._blocks or 'DCTvol' in self._blocks or 'rawRGB' in self._blocks:
                for i in range(self.DCT_channels):
                    DCT_coef[i] = DCT_coef[i][s_r:s_r+crop_size[0], s_c:s_c+crop_size[1]]
                t_DCT_coef = torch.tensor(DCT_coef, dtype=torch.float)  # final (but used below)

        # handle 'RGB'
        if 'RGB' in self._blocks:
            t_RGB = (torch.tensor(img_RGB.transpose(2,0,1), dtype=torch.float)-127.5)/127.5  # final

        # handle 'rawRGB'
        if 'rawRGB' in self._blocks:
            t_DCT_coef_view = t_DCT_coef.view(t_DCT_coef.shape[0], t_DCT_coef.shape[1] // 8, 8,
                                              t_DCT_coef.shape[2] // 8, 8).permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
            t_qtables = torch.tensor(qtables, dtype=torch.float)
            t_qtables_view = t_qtables.view(t_qtables.shape[0], 1, 1, 8, 8)
            t_deq = torch.zeros(*t_DCT_coef.shape, dtype=torch.float64)
            t_deq_view = t_deq.view(t_DCT_coef.shape[0], t_DCT_coef.shape[1] // 8, 8, t_DCT_coef.shape[2] // 8,
                                    8).permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4)
            t_deq_view[...] = t_DCT_coef_view * t_qtables_view
            t_deq_view[...] = dct.idct_2d(t_deq_view, norm='ortho') + 128  # YCbCr
            t_deq[[1,2], :, :] -= 128
            t_deq_RGB = AbstractDataset.YCbCr2RGB.matmul(t_deq.view(3, -1)).view(*t_deq.shape)  # RGB (raw)
            # t_deq_RGB = t_deq_RGB[:,:crop_size[0],:crop_size[1]]  # this sentence is meaningless
            t_rawRGB = (t_deq_RGB.to(torch.float)-127.5)/127.5  # final

        # handle 'DCTvol'
        if 'DCTvol' in self._blocks:
            T = 20
            t_DCT_vol = torch.zeros(size=(T+1, t_DCT_coef.shape[1], t_DCT_coef.shape[2]))
            t_DCT_vol[0] += (t_DCT_coef == 0).float().squeeze()
            for i in range(1, T):
                t_DCT_vol[i] += (t_DCT_coef == i).float().squeeze()
                t_DCT_vol[i] += (t_DCT_coef == -i).float().squeeze()
            t_DCT_vol[T] += (t_DCT_coef >= T).float().squeeze()
            t_DCT_vol[T] += (t_DCT_coef <= -T).float().squeeze()

        # create tensor
        img_block = []
        for i in range(len(self._blocks)):
            if self._blocks[i] == 'RGB':
            elif self._blocks[i] == 'rawRGB':
            elif self._blocks[i] == 'DCTcoef':
            elif self._blocks[i] == 'DCTvol':
            elif self._blocks[i] == 'qtable':
                raise KeyError("We cannot reach here. Something is wrong.")

        # final tensor
        tensor = torch.cat(img_block)

        if 'qtable' not in self._blocks:
            return tensor, torch.tensor(label, dtype=torch.long)
            return tensor, torch.tensor(label, dtype=torch.long), torch.tensor(qtables[:self.DCT_channels], dtype=torch.float)

    def get_tamp(self, index):

    def get_tamp_name(self, index):
        item = self.tamp_list[index]
        if isinstance(item, list):
            return self.tamp_list[index][0]
            return self.tamp_list[index]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.tamp_list)
raquelroman commented 2 years ago


raquelroman commented 2 years ago

So you first pretrained the DCT stream as a binary classification problem and then used that to transfer it for training the segmentation model, which is what this repo contains, is that right? In that case I understand I should modify the training file to use the network_DCT_cl model. And once it's trained how do you transfer it to the segmentation task?, if it's not too much asking. What I want to do is to first pretrain and then do finetuning on different datasets to obtain the detections, just using the DCT stream.

CauchyComplete commented 2 years ago

For the first question, you are right. Just use any binary classification code to train the DCT Stream. I used a learning rate of 0.05 which decayed every 10 epochs by x0.1 until 30 epochs. The optimizer was SGD with a momentum of 0.9. For the second question, just load the weights of the classification task and drop the weights for the classification head (the final layer). The segmentation head is randomly initialized. Thanks.

CauchyComplete commented 2 years ago

I used this repo for pretraining: https://github.com/HRNet/HRNet-Image-Classification

raquelroman commented 2 years ago

And are the weights available for downloading (DCT_only_v2.pth.tar) from the pretrained classification model with Park? If not, could you make them public?, so that I can compare it with my results. Thanks.

CauchyComplete commented 2 years ago

And are the weights available for downloading (DCT_only_v2.pth.tar) from the pretrained classification model with Park? If not, could you make them public?, so that I can compare it with my results. Thanks.

It's pretrained weights / DCT_djpeg.pth.tar