mjkwon2021 / CAT-Net

Official code for CAT-Net: Compression Artifact Tracing Network. Image manipulation detection and localization.
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A question about the dataset and train #36

Open Stitchsong opened 1 year ago

Stitchsong commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your sharing your code. I have a question about the train.

you say when I want to try "Set training and validation set configuration in Splicing/data/data_core.py." However, in the data_core.py,

_" self.dataset_list.append(tampCOCO(crop_size, grid_crop, blocks, DCT_channels, "Splicing/data/cm_COCO_trainlist.txt"))"

The tampCOCO has a train and test.txt, but when I download the tampCOCO dataset, it only has a list.txt. How can i get the train_list.txt? and what is the file format of train_list.txt?

CauchyComplete commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your report. I didn't notice that the files are missing. I'll upload those files soon.

Stitchsong commented 1 year ago

thank you so much

CauchyComplete commented 1 year ago

I've uploaded those files to this repo. Please pull. Thanks.